15 People Who Had Their First And Last Day At Work

15 People Who Had Their First And Last Day At Work
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  1. Poor mankind. You are working 300 days in a year like maniac for a company, but one fukkin' day maybe you absolutely NEED to watch a single soccer match of your nation LIVE for being functional as a human for a further year more. When your boss is calling you are fired. Pfff, such Boss isn't a boss. Lady, watch out for a human understanding company to gain them money as fukk.

  2. As an employer I had no qualms sacking liars that skived off work to watch 22 tarts kicking a bag of wind around a field, my other dead cert on the spot sacking would be if they had "pub lunch"!

  3. The bike lane is not allowed for motorcycles, these have to drive on the road, so it's 100% his fault and he maybe even lost his driving license for this behaviour!

  4. 9,00 Actually it is the biker who responsible for this accident, because as you see the biker should drive on the street and not on the sidewalk! In the Nederland the bike who can drive znove the 40kmph they should drive their bike on the main street and not on the bicycle road and even not an the sidewalks

  5. Hahaha.. the bank intern reminds me of the time I almost got kicked out of school for calling out and then showing up in the news paper at the 4/2] weed smoking rally at Denver capitol😂😂😂. My school was an alternative high school and they Said if anybody misses that day they get kicked out because they weren't stupid and knew what it was all about. Especially in Colorado… it's a holiday out here..

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