This week, on Hermitcraft!
This episode covers videos released between Sunday February 4 and Friday February 9, 2024.
It doesn’t cover episodes released on Day 1, so if you missed that episode it’s https://youtu.be/XqgH4XIumIs
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→ Background music: http://www.bensound.com/
Bensound – “Clear Day” and “Energy” – http://www.bensound.com/
Roa – “Journey” – https://youtu.be/ttcI1PI1wK0
Dan Lebowitz – “Mysteries” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy7gk22OwqY
Vibe Mountain – “Operatic 3” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO6gpC4het8
Nat Keefe & Hot Buttered Rum – “Cats Searching for the Truth” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoAS-ef9odM]
Infraction – “A Way to You” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JQASDpciNM
Kevin MacLeod – “Bushwick Tarantella” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t3iQifCaxE
I love how everyone is peacefully trying to build a community while Cubfan already made it to the endgame
Imagiene if that poppy wasn't there and gem just casually clipped out of the grapple
I thought Doc said somebody else defeated the dragon for him.
thank goodness for this, I only watch really one or two of the hermits so I’m grateful for this!
Hi Sloy! Long time enjoyer with much love for the show! I greatly appreciate the service you provide us fans, and the show is awesome. I like the pacing of the edits and everything is pretty well polished for a fan show!
Would you please kindly consider ensuring that there is only ever one music track and only ever one voice track clearly audible at a time? By that I just mean, could you please mute background music when playing a clip with music, and separately, significantly reducing the volume of clips when talking over them? There’s a couple places in many videos where this occurs and it hurts my head really badly 😢
Thank you again ❤
Since Pixlriffs recorded his audio for this episode, it should be noted that Grian has caught over 5,000 fish and counting (as well as fished up 2000 other items)
the video is awesome and everything but can we appreciate how the different channels for Pix Zloy and Lyarrah pop up when Pix brings them up
stuff like that is just peak effort for something people probably would never notice
love the vids guys
i will always love the vids
The Minister of Ministry or could I suggest the Prime Minister?
Hi, I could help the show by providing Dutch translations of the captions, if useful
god tier editing!
writing is way too good
like insanely good
Why when How Why
Can we just appreciate the unintentional server wide and or majority taking part in the early "Fishing Shenanigans" that have been started by Grian?
Over the last few seasons, he's started wars, game modes etc. And this time around he's easily convinced majority of the server to be obsessed with fishing one way or another
Really liking these episodes! The music is quite loud though. Any chance it could be turned down slightly for the next episode? 😀
just now have i realize, mumbo is still keeping that waffle hair at his back.
Welcome back and ALWAYS wonderful that you provide this fan-based service to make the lives of all of us Hermit-Fanatics better!
Keep doing what you're doing! WE LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!
So we decide to kill each other.
And then when the killing happens, the reaction is yelling the other person's name?
"Grian" "Scar"
Week 1 already
I nearly choked on my drink when I saw Skizz and Joel's name cards. Love the reference.
Making Beef do the maps is just pure evil, did he not do enough maps last season, Ren!?!?
In gem’s defense she right clicked on the block under the flower causing the block to not place so not her fault.
we love Skizz Le Man 😉
To think gem's bucket clutch was thwarted by a rose 😅
It's been a while since I've been on hermitcraft-tube. it's nice to be back and feel the same amount of joy I've always felt watching the recaps. Thanks zloy, lyarrah, and pixelriffs!
The fact that Grian is at roughly 7000 fishing rods used now and still no mending book
Cant believe its only been a week feels much longer than that
I can’t wait for the video with Grians fishing addiction.
My guess has been that the prize for Demise is a Command Block.
me : This Wee…
Pixlriffs : Welcome on the Hermicraft server Recap !
already missing on the 1st week realy ?
The music in this ep was great!
you guys outdid yourselves for this one, there were so many clever moments that made me smile
i love this new background music!
I think ren calling himself the ministry of ministers pretty much means a prime Minister
I love the returning gag of microwaving Joe
Cub may need to assist the Minister of Maps
The overlapping music on Bdubs segments is really distracting
Sloy doing the nature documentary voiceover for Bdubs got me so bad 😂
Is it just me or are some of the clips out of the intended order?
23:34 yes joe that is definitely a "horse" lol
But certainly more baffling. He thinks the cobwebs were Etho.