This cow was scared, stressed, and surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. Her owner attempted to free her, but he cut his leg and retreated. So it was up to Animal Rahat to save the day—and the poor cow. The group’s animal welfare inspector climbed down into the pit, and after gently stroking the cow’s nose to settle her nerves, he secured an industrial harness around her body, attached it to a crane, and gave the signal for the operator to pull her up and out. Once back on solid ground, she was treated for a minor leg injury, reunited with her human guardian and her bovine best friend, and given a tasty meal.
Most countries in Asia are killer sadist savages and would have never have rescued this cow. India is a lot better than evil China, Vietnam, etc.
Great job!!! Good luck!
so awesome.
Thank you! Beautiful video
आपण पशू – पक्षांची मदत करतात त्याबद्दल धन्यवाद!
Thank you very much Animal Rahat !