Send YOUR clips to KARNAGEfails5@hotmail.com to potentially feature in next weeks episode! Let’s shoot for 2000 LIKES for this …
Send YOUR clips to KARNAGEfails5@hotmail.com to potentially feature in next weeks episode! Let’s shoot for 2000 LIKES for this …
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#2 clip may have been lag….but im gunna give the game the benefit of the doubt and say that was a ricochet kill considering he was using an energy weapon…could have been lag but I think it was just how this game works with the new energy weapons
fail two with the energy weapon was reflection damage. energy weapons bpunce once without ram servo. get it right boys.
I can't see shit on number 4
what da fuck
Energy weapons reflect off walls slightly
That's nothing. I died 1 off my nuke and game ended 2 off twice. Salty boy right here
the number 5 was bo3
Lol Thanks For #2 That lag was mad insane 😂😂
I was playing BO3 and time ran out while I was on a 29 gun streak…
am i the only one who like fails than spawn trap kills?
Number 3 made me pucker & Number 2…… WHAT THE F**K!?
Does anone want to play xbox one my GT Talking T0ad toad is spelled with a zero
Oooooooh if that last one happened to me I would have lost my shit
😭 1:28
the last one is just like mine my game crashed to
lol number 1 is just creul
on number 2 the enemy was using a erad which is a energy gun his energy bullets ricocheted off the wall all energy weapons on Iw will does that
the pain is real
LIKE als je Nederlands bent
Thank for choosing my clip for FAILS OF THE WEEK appreciate a lot.
Honestly, if you like call of duty then my videos are for you! Some check me out. Why not? It's free! If you do subscribe then make sure you stay active.. Thanks for reading <3
How are these even fails except for #1
i all the time think its the ruin clan 😠
For the second fail that was lag. The guy was using an energy weapon. And the lasers that shoot from energy weapons bounce off of walls. So he basically ricocheted the shots.
Number 2 the bullet hit off the wall and killed hi
same intro lol he even says he says it all the time and then he says but I think this weeks clips are really good
w w w w w whart is going on karnage
I know you guys are going to hate me for this but i put so much effort into my vids and they still dont get noticed! If at least 1 of you guys could check my chan out it would mean alot!
Number 2 is not lag. Energy weapon bullets bounce off walls. Smart play
love your top 5 amazing job keep them coming liked and sub and alert for new vid done
this game looks just like bo3
Number 1 fail of the week should have been the game itself.
Please KARNAGE stop I like u guys, but stop playing this shit game
Did anyone else think YouTube glitched at 2:09? 😂😂😂
If anyone wants to watch my video they can. It would be greatly appreciated
can anyone give me any advice on how to grow as a call of duty youtuber
In #2 the reason he died is because energy weapons have deflecting shots
Infinite Wackfare is ass anyways
Am I the only one who thought my screen was broken for a second at the end?
2:23 u mean infinityward?