Poor Dog Abandoned By Owner For Eating Too Much, Rescued And Hiding In A Corner Shivering

Poor Dog Abandoned By Owner For Eating Too Much, Rescued And Hiding In A Corner Shivering
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Through Our Videos We Try To Convey Respect And Protection For Animals And Ensure That They Are Not Harmed In Any Way!
Hello everyone, I am a country barber.
I live in a backward rural area where few people consciously spay their dogs.
Dogs are over-bred and puppies are abandoned almost every day💔
My main goal is to help stray animals, find suitable adopters for abandoned puppies,🏡🐶🐾
neuter stray dogs, and make people pay more attention to the dogs around them.❣️
Thank you all for your support and help👏👏💕💕💕
#straydog #puppy rescue #abandoned puppy


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About the Author: THE Barber Rescues Stray Dogs


  1. Gracias por rescatar y salvar a los cachorritos . Y gracias por todo lo que hace por todos los perritos abandonados que se encuentra. Y por el gran esfuerzo que supone atender a tantos perritos como tiene en su refugio. Dios le bendiga.❤❤❤

  2. Hi everyone, there are two videos today. Please watch both when you have time ☺️ Please don’t skip the ads. Money from ads pays for pet food and vaccines. I talk to him daily. What you see are actual rescues. Thanks for watching ❤️

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