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About the Author: Keith Nester


  1. An awesome Pastor teaches that ONLY the death/burial/resurrection of Christ justifies/saves/forgives/seals a believer.
    An awesome Pastor teaches 1 Cor 5:1-4, Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:16, Rom 3:24-28, Rom 4:5, Titus 3:5, Eph 1:13.
    An awesome Pastor teaches Acts 9:10-15, Gal 2:7-9 that ONLY Paul confirmed by the OTHER Apostles is OUR Apostle of today.
    That's HOW YOU SPOT an awesome Pastor.

  2. It doesn't bother me, but my convert husband is losing faith in the Catholic Church. It seems, as of late, he has great difficulty understanding their English.
    He only comes to church for now.
    I listen to unpacking the Mass, which helps me. So, though it bothers me, it has caused me to rethink my faith.
    And we have no other options in our small town. 😢

  3. I should have told the nice kid who heard my Confession on Easter Sunday last year the I really appreciated it and it made it very special Easter for me. But he's moved on now.

  4. I've never seen any of the priests in my diocese ever wear clerical atire. They only time I saw the priest in the parish I grew up going to wear his collar was in a picture. Personally if I had answered God's Call I would have worn the full cassock.

  5. 0:05: ⛪ Qualities of an exceptional priest include celebrating Mass with love and faithfulness.
    3:21: ⛪ Qualities of an exceptional priest include setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and managing workload effectively.
    6:44: ⛪ Qualities of a great priest: Setting boundaries, respecting privacy, welcoming new people.
    10:01: ⛪ Qualities of a commendable priest include presenting clear and direct teachings of the Catholic Church.
    13:28: ⛪ Importance of obedience between priests and bishops for unity and effectiveness.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  6. Our Priest ie the youngest in our Diocese, a convert from The C of E and Ticks all ten boxes… with bells on ! He has 2 parishes and is Chaplain to the University here. Most of us are fully aware of how lucky we are to have him. Even he couldn't do it all without his 2 first class Deacons. Thank Yo Lord for our blessed threesome.

  7. One thing i love about our priest is that he reads the homilies and he connects them to other parts of scripture like why we confess from the OT to the NT. He also clarifies how the scripture makes sense in our lives. I see my priestnas St. Thomas Aquinas. Naive yet extremely knowledgeable and God loving.

  8. My parish priest has brought the communion rail back!
    Everyone receives on their knee's and receiving on the tongue seems to be most natural!
    Now that's an awesome priest!
    May God continue to
    bless him! 🙏

  9. Keith I say this not to puff you up but a lot of these things can be applied to you and I believe if you could have been a Catholic priest you would have been an amazing one and your ministry through YouTube has been a blessing to me and a confirmation to me to convert to the Catholic Church

  10. Thanks Keith. My priest is Father Joy at Mercy Parish in Madison Alabama. He is an awesome priest. I can say that for sure. In OCIA and getting ready to convert at Easter vigil.Your book for converts has helped me a lot. Thanks brother.

  11. what to do about the “not so great ones?”

    it seems like so many here have fantastic priests- and this is good

    but what happens when the priests get all moved around after a few years?

    and maybe the next one (or current one) isnt so great?

    personally, i am not a huge fan of scouring the area like goldilocks trying to find the perfect situation

    and though i am not a stickler or a “follow the letter of the law” type that says- “well your local church is defined by your address and that is the one you have to go to;” i do think it feels right to start there and attempt to try and bring some energy and get involved- especially, if there are things one might want to see improved?

    what about those who are in a less than ideal situation?

    is it even possible- as a lay member- to try and get things moved into a better direction?

  12. So, a quick online search confirms that while my place of residency decides my parish, it doesn't decide where I attend Mass. So many of you replying seem to have terrific priests according to this 10 point scale. Let's keep praying for holy priests! And pray that Catholics who do not have terrific priests will remain faithful 🙏

  13. Father Richard Pagano is the coolest Latin-Rite priest I've seen on the Internet.

    As for the Eastern-Rite, check out Father Thomas Loya and Father Jack Custer. Incredible guys.

  14. I’m discerning the Priesthood myself and hope to use these to help me become a good Priest and to help others more myself if this is truly what God is calling me to. Please pray for me and God bless all of you

  15. I grew up around dozens and dozens of priests. As kids, if we weren’t in school or some kind of practice for different sports, we were at our parish or a local monastery. We had priests over the house all the time. I have some awesome memories of that time. Sadly, there just seems to be so fewer priests around and the ones that are have been inundated with work and just aren’t available for this type of thing. If you have an awesome priest, stay very close to him! They’re priceless!

  16. I am in the Buckeye, Az area for a bit and remembered a pro life homily from there a couple of years ago. I looked it up and it was Fr Kosko. I watched it again and was in tears. I am going to Mass there tomorrow and hope he will be there! I think he is a pretty awesome priest.

  17. ⭐⭐⭐ CATHOLICS! ⭐⭐⭐ Please consider reporting the perpetual harassment and insults from atheist and so-called Christian trolls here. They lead the faithful AWAY from Christ and are a stumbling block. Many are pathological and a few are psychopathic sadists. They have no place here except as subjects of our prayer. A few 'may' have good intentions, but we know which road is paved with those. They know Catholic teaching but prefer to harass. I ask you to report them.

  18. We are truly blessed to have an amazing priest at our parish. During consecration, he is the most reverent priest I have seen. He speaks with such love for Jesus and you can absolutely see the love in his eyes, body language and voice. It’s wonderful to realize how important it is in evangelization. Thanks for doing this video!

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