Dog left behind finally has a family

Dog left behind finally has a family
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Lonely dad dog left behind finally has a family

Check out this story: @uncleneilshome

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GeoBeats is a US-based media company focused on telling inspiring animal stories about animals from around the world. Our goal is to make people fall in love with them and promote compassion and kindness.

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  1. It's heartbreaking how people mistreat animals like that. Like throw away trash. If one doesn't intend to keep pet for life, DON'T GET ONE!!!!! people like that don't deserve them. Thank you for saving pup.

  2. What a wonderful story. Logan was left behind because fate had better things in store for him..your family! Thank you for seeing his potential & giving him the happy life he was meant to have.

  3. Thanks for sharing this heartbreaking story. To abandon this precious dog to be put to sleep, plus removing him from his partner and babies is pure cruelty. I understand dogs and cats by nature are different ,but my male cat loves the mother of his kitties so much that he helped clean them when born and all sleeping together. Four years later, the entire family continues to live with me. I couldn’t bare separating them from their father.
    Animals too have feelings. Bless you and your husband for saving this beautiful dog’s life. 😢

  4. I don't even have the words to express how much I LOVE these stories! I absolutely love seeing all of these beautiful babies getting the chance to live the lives they all deserve. Thank you for adopting and loving both Logan and Phoenix and thank you Geo Beats for bringing these heartwarming stories to us. This is the kind of love that the world needs.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your loving Forever home with this so precious and Beautiful Doggie!! Logan is so adorable and loves everything you both are doing for him
    And your other sweet pets too!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. More people would rescue pets but vet bills have gotten really expensive and it isn’t because vets are getting rich as they don’t make much money considering how many years of school they have

  7. Logan like all dogs know and see and sense everything around them. Thank God people like you guys exist to help and nurture those animals that come so close to the end 😭. My 30 yr. old son rescued a blue nose pitbull that had been severely brutalized; she was 11 months or 13. The humane society found her abandoned and starving and because of the severe overcrowding at all the shelters this beautiful young lady didn't have a chance. My worked and worked with the dog and now this blue nose pitbull is just beautiful 😍❤️ and so fantastic. To bad there aren't more people like you guys and my son 💙. LATER!!!!!! 😎🌅

  8. The rescue LEFT HIM? What kind of Rescue is that? How could they do such a thing? He didn't abandon his mate he stayed with her like a good Papa. He must miss her. That's a horrible thing to do. What's the name of this rescue?

  9. It's so wrong that any animal shelter would murder any healthy dog because it wasn't wanted, you would think in the 21 century all shelters would stop murdering animals.

  10. And to think, this wonderful dog was going to be murdered because some human failed him. Thank you for saving him. His previous owner missed out and almost got him killed. Good luck Logan. I’m glad you found the family you should have always had❤️

  11. I would have reported that rescue group that left Logan behind! At least post it on social media. That was disgusting of that group for leaving Logan to be euthanized! Thanks for rescuing him.❤❤❤❤😊

  12. What a great story! I was lucky to live in CO near Estes Park for about 10 years – Logan is living an amazing life now, and I’m so happy for him and very thankful for his family!! You saved him ❤🤗🕊️

  13. And to think so many thought Logan wasn't worthy. "He stayed with his (pregnant) mate" & that still wasn't good enough. Thank you for saving him (& your other animals!) & providing him such an amazing life. He got the happy ending he so deserved! ❤

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