A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!
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우박맞고 사람죽겠다
Turut belasungkawa Indonesia
Iya tuhanmohan lindungilahrakyadisana
Ya begitulah kalau Akhlak Manusia sudah semakin jauh dengan Alloh ..hidup hanya mengejar materi saja kemudian bersenang senang dan saling menyombongkan diri tanpa memperdulikan orang lain
He aquí, viene con las nubes y todo ojo le verá, aun los que le traspasaron; y todas las tribus de la tierra harán lamentación por Él; sí. Amén.
He aquí que viene con las nubes, y todo ojo le verá, y los que le traspasaron; y todos los linajes de la tierra se lamentarán sobre él. Así sea. Amén.
¡Cristo viene en las nubes! Todos lo verán, incluso los que lo traspasaron; y todos los pueblos del mundo harán duelo por él. Sí, amén.
Él viene con las nubes, y todo ojo lo verá, aun los que lo traspasaron; y todas las tribus de la tierra harán lamentación por Él. Sí. Amén.
Богу лучше знать-кому дать,а у кого отнять!!!
Bukan klewatan berita itu kuwasa Allah mang kanya manusiya hifup jngn sewenang wenang azab kĺu Allah yo begitu itu
Wah bagus itu ,pakai pengaman dong, tank baja nya mana
Donde están los miciles contra la nubes y granizos o tienen para matar a gente no más
ควรจะวันที่เกิดเดือนอะไรพ ศอะไรจะขอบคุณมาก
Jesus is coming soon. ❤
Repent every one. ❤
Repent and call on Almighty God is the answer thank you dear PM
In Deutschland ist schon !!!! WISO Lügen sie die Menschen!!!!👎👎👎👎👎
Tak się kończy zabawa z pogodą i opryskiwaniem samolotami
Опасность для жизни людей увеличивается
Ini ke jadi An bencana ini hany a luar indonesia 🇮🇩👍
Gòrdum az oncede masumm halmi korusun allah
Allah gazaba gelmistir
Allahin sopsi yoktur boyle afet vererek azab veriyor kòtulere fzkat nasimlarda var icinde halk liderlerinin kotulugunden halk azabi goruyor daha beteride olabilir
Allah nuh tufani verir kotùleri liderleri mòtù iyilerde kotulerin azabini cekiyor kòtu kotùdùr her yerde masum olanlarinda kòtulerin yaninda mDur ouyor
Dolu yapiyor sel
""Psalms 82""
BE PREPARED, For our Lord Jesus Christ is preparing to return
God is speaking to everyone to wake-up, and to turn back to Him
By repenting & seeking Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins
Believe with all your heart, the Gospel of Christ, who died in your
place, so you may have life through Him. Believe in the coming
Kingdom of our Lord, Be born again in Christ and be saved to
everlasting life. This is the gospel of Christ:
John 3:16
ROMANS 3:23-24
Colossians 1:14-15
Ephesians 2:8-9
Matthew 4:17
Acts 16:31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:8-10
John 14:6
Acts 2:38
John 14:15-16
Then take up your cross, follow Jesus & keep His Commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words. 🕊🙏
Repent every one Jesus is coming soon ❤
Te filmiki sa z USA
Мне нравится
"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts
William S. Cohen U.S. Defense Secretary DoD News Briefing April 28, 1997
اللة لا آلة الا هو القادر على كل شيء
Judgments is upon you for in slavery in god chosen people headen heatla will be co ming back to judge all of the eve slave masters you kill off our people over dear the king is coming back to judge you wicked Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica we are still scared around the world bring us back into our land of Israel before the the Lord return Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica
قناة كاذبة
مشاهد قديمة
The Controllers are destroying and killing everything before covid now disaster.
اغاني عند المصائب
Whoever support Israel for the Ganosida Palestinian will got punished by mighty GOD…God are Merciful but we human not merciful to others …Hope God won't let this disaster continue…we must repent and must think about our sins back there…may God bless all of us 😭
Does this man have an education above the first grade he doesn't even know how this country is Run, I have had people die for this country what have you done for this country, I would like to see, you're a record of what you've given to this country, I am quite sure that is a very short list.
Za nasze krzywdy ,za Turów
Mike Johnson is more a man he has more man in him than you could ever possibly have he has more man in his pinky finger then you are, the only reason why you get up there and spew your venomous because the American people call you guys on mss whatever you want to call it MSNBC presstitutes, you are paid dispute your poison.
Собраны знакомые кадры. Бизнес.
Negara LBGT di landa musibah dan ini peringatan allah bagi kaum LBGT
Tobatlah para pendukung Israel dan Amerika, azap telah datang,
El padre celestial o Espiritu santo nos ha dicho que una de 2 o cambian o mueren que así de sencillo
Ini berita dah kelewat bukan?