00:00:00 Hubby died when my baby was 3MO. In despair a mysterious boy gave me a message from my hubby.. 00:21:24 …
00:00:00 Hubby died when my baby was 3MO. In despair a mysterious boy gave me a message from my hubby.. 00:21:24 …
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Oh my God😮I am so disgusted with these 'families' showing contempt to their children's spouses. I have just seen the story of Lily & Ethan, I spent the whole story in shocked disbelief and horror at his family's open contempt toward Lily and Joan, only to try to crawl back expecting to buddy up to Joan. I was so happy that she refused them. I was so happy that Ethan disowned them too. I cheered when Joan said she'd call the police! I still have a story to watch, but I am gobsmacked…How did Ethan turn out so honorable in that kind of upbringing?
I, myself, have had many, many interactions with “others who have left their body” as well as “knowing” where another person’s (a total stranger or a known associate/friend/family member) , physical difficulties are in their body & I have no way of knowing what I am “guided” to “help”. There is no explaining verbally how I am able to help others, let alone where &/or what the problem is & then I “help” to relieve the pain/pressure/trauma as well as giving the person “positive” energy to replace the “negative” energy that I “took” while I was trying to help the person. I usually will help only 1 person in a twenty four hour period but I have had a couple of times where I helped a couple of different people in just a few hours apart, but I did warn the second person that, because I had already helped one other friend, so I would not be able to help as much as I normally was able to, she was fully aware, & appreciative of whatever help I could give her, I was able to help her enough that she was able to stay where we were without having to go home to get something for her horrible headache that she had.
For some strange reason, I can “see” things that most others can’t “see”. With a “displaced” spirit, it’s kind of like I can sense the spirit in the way that most people sense that someone is silently coming up behind you or when you suddenly think about someone else & then the other person contacts the first person. A person suddenly thinks of telling someone else something & the other person calls on the phone or arrives at where the first person is at.
When it comes down to how I “know” where a person is having a problem in a certain part of their body &/or what that problem is, I “see” the place that is causing the problem kind of like “glowing” bright as well as I can tell the person any extra information about the situation at hand. Usually it is a “foreshadowing” of their circumstances over the next 24 – 48 hours. Other than to say that I am only doing what God leads/wants me to do or say or “fix” to the best of my capacity at that specific time &/or place, I don’t know how or why these things happen around me. Does that make me strange or willingly being used by our Heavenly Father & Son for His purposes, I honestly can’t say. All I can do is allow myself to be guided for His purposes while watching over His precious children.
Do not give her 1 cent op fo not😢😢😢😢be happy with your baby op have a nice life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊
Do not give her 1 cent op fo not😢😢😢😢
Silly old woman😮😮
Omg op so sorry❤❤❤😢😢
Op run like h from this toxic place just leave now divorce asap if your husband can't stand up for you just leave him too oh shut it about a high school graduate old woman😢😢😢😢
Voices are not nice!