This Evil Youtuber Needs To Be Stopped Ali Koca — April 2, 2024 23 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
It's not like she is gonna got banned in the near future as she is currently a walking money printer for Youtube.
Having reached the top, and made a hell of a lot of money on YT she was always going to fall hard one day.
That's ridiculous! She deserves everything she gets 💯
Nice 😎🔥
I hate ssniperwolf
Very beautiful
any updates reply fast
Finally, Jack better get LawbyMike for his lawyer. He's good
It’s not illlegal
This is how women fight.
Dirty as hell.
I can't wait 'til they take over the world.
It's not like she is gonna got banned in the near future as she is currently a walking money printer for Youtube.
Cali doesnt prosecute criminals.
Look up the word sanctimony pls. It doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Sanctuary, not sanctimony…
Definitely YouTube needs to set a precedent
Sniper wolf probably had the right to do that
U know what sssniperwolf does NOT have to be stopped it’s u that has to be stopped😊
If this is on you list of thing that matter. Get a life.
Having reached the top, and made a hell of a lot of money on YT she was always going to fall hard one day.
Sniperwolf also body shamed a bunch of people.
Doesn't help her she's been to prison for armed robbery and over crimes
I think she needs help