Think you’ve seen it all? The Philippines might surprise you. Odd sightings in the sky, strange things washing up on shore, and tales of ghosts that feel too real. It’s a place where the unusual becomes an everyday occurrence
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I live with a hellhound, my wife.
Lo que dicen ser un chupa kbra parece mucho más un tigre de Tasmania. Aquí mismo en YouTube tu buscas tigre de Tasmania vas a ver de lo que te hablo. Parece que tienen ese color cuando son pequeños o son así cuando nacen.
That eye thing is seriously concerning.
Kagagawan mga mukhang baliw na mga blogger . Parang mga temang !
Don't trust Pilipinos it's all fake.
Hello please donate for Gaza on the humanitarian situation every contribution is appreciated stay blessed Inshallah you will be rewarded pray for the people of Gaza and Allah protect you gloriously.
This video is miss information about location
Poor thing
Hi, 🐥🐦🐥🐦🦩🦩🐼🐼May I share the most important news you will ever hear? God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus Christ(Y'shua Ha' Mashiach) from heaven to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. He was put into a tomb for 3 days, and then Abba Father raised Jesus to life and He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must all sincerely receive Jesus to be a true child of God. It says in John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Will you genuinely believe on Christ Jesus and truly receive Him today, before it is too late?
Why always the Philapens
The tianak looks like a smuggled slot animal
Why do humans have to kill or capture everything??? I hate it!
Pure arrogance and stupidity
Whatever else is trying to survive ….LET IT BE!!
Alien invasion fuck you cartoon mindset…rubbish thinking…
Why is it ALWAYS the Phillipines?
The UFO is mos def CGI
Elon Musk doing a prank
Come on now, that eerie "ghost" 19 mins, in the clouds with the two glowing eyes…
its clearly a rubber duck, is that an Aprils fools joke? Amphibian HA!
it only took one view to see it and the outline from the lightning behind it.
Good on you for keeping the viewers on their toes, don't believe what youre being told look yourself.
I bet the ghost in the water was just a black binbag 😂
Mahal na mahal ang Pilipinas. However, they are filled with many myths.
UAP (Unidentified Aereal Phenomena) Aerodynamic, Smooth, seamless,no heat signature or visible propulsion. ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) Clear signs of man made design. Panels, bolts, heat signatures, visible propulsion.
This looks like an ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle) retrofitted fron REAL Alien tech recovered from downed UAP (Unidentified Aireal Phenomena) . "THE LOST CENTURY" Dr. Steven Greer & the SIRIUS Project.
You got alien goo from Orange county footage in this fake ass video about the Philippines lol this video is full of crap prolly got like a only a few footage that is true from the Philippines
Ridiculous as usual 😂
only in Philippines 😂😂