Howl Of A Dog rescues this homeless dog who was trying to ask for help after people chased her away. Heidi had been living on the streets for months. She was accepted as part of the landscape, as it happens with many strays in Romania, especially those who are friendly. Heidi’s only ‘fault’ was that she got sick with mange and, instead of receiving medical care she was chased away, people being repelled by her look. When we arrived at the rescue location, we noticed Heidi’s breast was a bit enlarged which worried us, thinking that maybe she had puppies somewhere, but when we asked the locals they showed us the place where Heidi used to sleep and said she never had any puppies. We found out later at the veterinary clinic that her enlarged breast was just a normal hormonal response to the heat cycle, as Heidi was not spayed. This made her rescue even more imperative, had Heidi remained on the street she could have got pregnant and more innocent lives would have suffered. So we are extremely grateful to the local who contacted us. But we don’t understand why it took so long for someone to ask for help. Heidi’s mange didn’t happen over night, it took weeks, maybe months, until it got so severe and spread all over her body.
Heidi’s journey to recovery has been a long one, but she’s made an amazing transformation and now this wonderful dog needs a family to call her own.
For more details about Heidi please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/heidi/
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#HowlOfADog #DogRescue #AnimalRescue
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from overcrowded public shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes.
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
Heidi's amazing recovery has been possible thanks to your wonderful support. With your help, we can offer more dogs like her the care they need to live a happy, healthy life! If you can make a donation today, please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-donation/ Thank you so much!!!

5:31 lol thought it was her and got confused why her hair suddenly got brown?
Even at her lowest point, she was still sweet.
I sure hope there is a heaven for dogs.
Damn ninjas cutting onions!??
Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you are doing to help these dogs, it's wonderful. Such a happy ending! I will donate when I next get my money.
Thank you for giving Heidi a new lease on life, she is just beautiful.
Heidi is such a loving happy dog now.
thanks !
Gorgeous dog???thank you for saving her???
That tongue and dopey, playful disposition! She’s amazing ?. I’m going to show her to my husband. I’m sure he’s going to just melt ?
God bless you for the work you're doing!!! I hope Hiedi is united with her forever home soon.
This is the only thing that breaks me down in tears. It makes me so happy I start crying. Heidi is so lucky. I hope more people take action no matter what the dog looks like. So many out there just wanting to be loved. Do what you can people.
These are good people.
Is the Dreadful heart-pounding piano music really necessary for this video LOL it's already sad enough to watch this animal go through this but you people have to smother the existing sadness with painful dark piano music LOL come on folks!
She's adorable and I love her already <3 Does anyone know what breed she is?
Heidi is a beautiful girl. Thank God you found her and you looked after her. Her coat now and skin looks so wonderful and healthy. Hope she finds a forever home that will always treasure her. Thank you for being so kind.
I understand cause I’m Romanian ??
Such a pretty puppers!
I am so subsribing? your channel…..??
well done!!! she has become a " BEAUTIFUL " – Dog, Full of Life!!! Thanks …
I suspect she was someones pet before ending up on the streets (either through accident or neglect).. happy ending
Thank you so much
Nice job
God bless both of them
She’s gorgeous
??????????????Viva as pessoas que cuidar dos animais.que amar a natureza.
That pooch knew EXACTLY what the leash meant…tip of the cap for the rescue.
Thanks guys and God bless you for saving this angel dog
she looks very sweet in her behaviour
Sooooooooooooooo cute ?????????????????? I wish the dog was mine but oh well
Oh she wants you to take her home with you, so sweet.
Thanks you so much guys