Enjoy new funniest and very cute compilation of the week about try not laugh funny animals’ life video.
Cats are surely the most popular pets and awesome animals nowadays.
Dogs are awesome animals. Despite all their differences, they have much in common, too.
And yet, there are dogs that resemble none of their kin in the whole world.
And you can enjoy they in this video.
All their breeds differ by size, features, and color, temperament.
But some cats in this video will actually surprise you!
Thanks for wonderful music by Vexento – “Digital Hug”
Look for more music on his channel 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento
I really don't see what is funny when animals are clearly distressed and being abused.
0:19 dog be like bra
1:22 me when someone is trying to make me go to sleep
A parte qualche animale che non mi sembra che sia stato trattato bene, ho trovato questo filmato simpaticissimo!!!
THis cat tries to eat the black lab hahaha
BEST ……???
Poor cat 6:07
3:30 un like= un croccantino per quel cane
6:06 this genuinely made me sad. It wasn't even funny.
Enjoy Pablo the singer cat https://youtu.be/JoCbyFHBskk
Os gatos no banheiro não foi engraçado. Eles obviamente estão muito estressados com algo, e provavelmente se machucaram
Очень прикольные моменты , много смешного.
5:44 cat in cage? WTH?
omg so cute 1:30 i love it!!!
2:24 is just hilarious!
Sometimes the animals look like they have problems. Lol
Or sometimes it’s the owner
2:01. Sliding in your DMS like
Dang they even got the dog tweaking @10:58
2:16 me re tente
2:17 scary
12.40 A kiss from a pretty girl will do that to you.
7:15 ????
5:20 bruh
1:33 wtf
0:18 really niggea
0:11 if you close your eyes you can hardly tell the difference between her and the cat
10:19 Call of Duty Connection lost
Complimenti ….che padroni esemplari! Vergogna!
Okay, guys. Don’t panic!
cats at 0.44 are like gremlins 🙂