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About the Author: Animal Kingdom


  1. Excellent reaction and attention to detail ❤! This is definitely one of the better directed films. I like that it’s more mysterious in its execution, but leaves enough details for you to dissect. Especially, in regards to what you’ve discussed on Dumbledore- to a degree.

  2. I live in Chicagoland and the Peregrines nest and live in the skyscrapers downtown.
    They are safe and feed on the pigeons that are there by the thousands.
    Spectacular creature!!

  3. 200mph+ is extremely fucking fast. Fastest I’ve ever driven was 170 and that is scary. Now I think 60+ in the right lane is fast. Not saying I drive like a grandma, but simply transporting grandma…

  4. розумна людина ,дивится як у Творця побудовано і створено.і ніколи не прорахуєтся.

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