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About the Author: The Ban


  1. They either gang up together or swing like a toddler swatting away a bee. Bunch of loud mouth losers. All you see is weaves and underwear

  2. The last fight was okay. I just want to know who showed them how to fight because they obviously need someone that knows how to box. They have their throws going everywhere and they leave themselves open a lot.

  3. Big girl is mad because the petite girl is slim and pretty with sexy legs, and all the boys want her. It's jealousy with them all day.

  4. If ur gonna squabble, maybe wear a belt next time. 🤔 Oh, & LEARN HOW TO JAB!! Both of yinz is tryin' to make every punch a knockout blow. Ur gonna be gassed after 10min, cuz u ain't breathin' neither. C'mon now.

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