Nancy Rynes shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring during surgery after a car ran her over while she was riding her bicycle. During her encounter on the Other Side, Nancy describes experiencing a spiritual realm where she encountered a guide who showed her the interconnectedness of all things, which helped her develop a new awareness of the impact her actions have on others. After returning to her body, Nancy struggled to integrate her NDE into her life but ultimately chose a path of spiritual awakening through practices such as meditation and gratitude. She now helps others navigate their own spiritual journeys, recognizing the core purpose of learning to live from a place of love and compassion. Her story emphasizes the transformative power of NDEs and the pursuit of spiritual understanding amidst life’s challenges.
“I was learning to live from that soul level of awareness rather than just my human level of awareness” – Nancy Rynes
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Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience ❤
I believed in the afterlife before being stabbed multiple times when robbed, and dying twice in the emergency room from loss of blood! What i saw was a vast place that had many levels, hell being the lowest! I was given a tour so to speak, from the darkest and most evil, to ones of brilliant light and bliss! What we do here, determines where we end up there! Since then, I've done my best not to end up in that lowest of heavens! I suggest you do the same! Soul is eternal, but not the physical body! What you take with you on death, is your good and bad deeds in this life!
Thank you for this lesson in life. The last two minutes hit home very quickly….God Bless
She is being deceived by the Devil and he wants her soul. The devil is the great liar, he set up all these lies. How do I know because she never talks about Jesus. I challenge her to call out the name of Jesus.
God is hiring u to stop apocalypse
What does God want
After job loss, I think a lot of it; If u are sick, all u think is your pain & how to recover; if u love money, all u think is how to get rich fast; if u love your kids all u think is your kids & their needs & etc.
=>hmm, I have no love & concern for God at all.
Let's stand in God's shoes to understand what God wants:
God father look at his kids on earth & see death/wailing/wars/despair/depression/stress/all kinds of evil & craziness, so God can only think 1 thing = rescue us from the grip of death/misery & make us healthy&happy forever!<=u hate to see your kids being raped & damaged by cocks, but love to see them roaming around happily & healthily forever.
So we must forget self/diseases/kids/money/etc but Think like Jesus=think God's needs&ideas&spirits all the time=how to remove all pain/death & make all happy/healthy forever:
All pain is caused by us to each other because we love DEVIL=do-evil but hate God/Good & each other.
Spreading the gospel & giving drowning men the hope of eternal life in heaven is the only way to stop apocalypse=If u don't want to die then Repent & sacrifice yourself to God's needs & Act like Jesus.
Should followers be good in everything U do:
NO, on the contrary, u should be so bad in your work that u are fired by your work.
ex: First 4 apostles were fishermen & couldn't catch any fish even when they worked day & night all their lives.
Paul was the best worker in the world, then betrayed his boss to serve Jesus, he also made tents for a living while serving Jesus, apparently, he didn't put too much thought into tentmaking because genius he never automated tentmaking.
To succeed in your work, of course, u need to be good & faithful to your work, otherwise, u will fail both your work & God. You can only serve 1 boss.
Many think doing my work well is serving God, not really: Doctors are highly respected because they save our physical lives, but doctors are not serving God, only soul saving works are for God=>charities not funding disciples are not working for God. Only help reforming bad/evil men/souls to good men is working for God=Do what Jesus was doing or help Jesus like disciples.
Only the job of saving souls is necessary & important: Luke 10:38-42; all other jobs are hens' scratching, the less we work the less troubles we add to God. God is hiring incompetent humble willing men=Moses to work for him so God can equip u with his miraculous competency, if u can't do miracles, then u are working for God out of no other choices, as soon as a high-pay job is offered to u, u become Judas.
So God's servants are either like jobless John:
Matthew 3-4: John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.
or Paul=a part-time tentmaker: tentmaking didn't need much thought but repetitive, so he can think on how to save souls while making tents.
All modern-day high-pay jobs demand your thinking/working even in your dreams, so if u want to serve God u have to quit your hard-earned hi-pay degrees & careers=>if your parents are serving God, they won't send u to schools. When u work for God, God will teach u himself without any need of human schooling.
Apparently, if u work for God, u can't have spouse & kids. When God doesn't give u a kid, maybe God is calling u to work for him=When u are fired/poor/abused/bullied/failed/lost/raped=invaded/diseased/depressed/etc, u are also called/chosen by God to work for God&Heaven. If Hawking accepted God's job offer he would not have been paralized in a remote earth corner not as a famous physicist now. Fruitful Jews didn't have kids so Jews on earth are very small, most Jews are in heaven yielding fruits for God, they are stars in the sky: star signify good man/angel's soul.
You can't love self & God at same time<=u are sacrificing yourself to love your kids, so u must sacrifice self to love God.
Eden/Heaven=God's farm/garden of souls/spirits=>To make us understand Good & Evil, God gave us energized physical farms to feel Good=bliss & Evil=pain.
Like animals born to know what to eat & how to survive, we are born to know Good & Evil, but it is too hard to do good & serve God for free so I only talk about it & let others to be good & serve God for free, but I only serve myself & money=hypocrites=devil.
At work, Why hate God&forbid talk of God when God gives u everything including your life? Why don't u forbid talking of sport teams when they don't know who u are?
U will always gain life in heaven with all your worldly losses; & lose life to hell if u gain worldly successes.
An example of testing God: God didn't heal my defected duckling/cancer=>my physical needs are more important than earthful people wailing eternally.
Revelations on life/soul/God/Heaven/meaning of everything is at:
Sample Jesus Acts=
I can confirm this is real because I’m dead
You’re lying,no atheist will be in Heaven
When my father was dying he Ask us why are all these people in the room and that they wanted to take him with them.
A friend and neighbour of mine had to go to palliative care and he was afraid at first but towards the end he swore that his wife visited him and he went peacefully.
Hospital drugs will do that to you. I've been places without leaving my bed.
Confess God. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. I dont hear her praising God.
Where is JESUS in all this????
Still not convinced.
Two days after my 20 year old sister self exited, I was visited by an angelic young girl at pre-dawn. When she spoke to me, over the bed, I was sitting, but temporarily paralized. She said, "Mandi wants you to follow her, she's flying home." Then she took a few steps backwards, and disappeared through the closet doors. That was 29 years ago.
you did not die if you were you were not be talking here,probably you were in coma and come back from coma
I am Mulder. I want to believe!
I love this woman.
Thank you so much for confirming what i leaned from the book journey of the souls. And thank you for sharing. Everything we day or do affects others! Thats gold
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was very inspiring to me. I believe your story completely. Before my sweet mother died, she had lung cancer, she said to me, “who is that woman in the corner? She has a beautiful smile, she’s dressed in a glowing white dress?” I said, “ I don’t see anyone mother”. In a few minutes she asked me again. I replied again, “ I don’t see anyone”. She asked me again. This time I stopped and it occurred to me that she was really seeing someone. Immediately I knew who it was, it just came to me, I said to her this time” It’s yourGuardian Angel!” She sat up straight, smiled the biggest smile, and said, “yes that’s who it is”! She died the next day, peacefully.
Thank you for sharing your experience it means a great deal to me!
So she was an atheist and still went to heaven ?
Is it true that when a relative passes away.. and you dream about them chasing you it’s because they want to take you with them??
—MY DAD PASSED AWAY 2011 and I SAW HIM IN MY DREAMS PICKING ME UP ON THE SCHOOL BUS COMPLETELY EMPTY AND HE TAPPED HIS LAP TELLING ME TO SIT ON HIS LAP.. In my dream I knew he was dead, which I proceed to tell him “Dad NO I can’t go with you because you’re dead” and then I woke up.. I would appreciate if someone can help with this dream
Near death, but not death. You have a choice- believe what Christ said, or believe anecdotal stories of universalism, devoid of God. Jesus said, “It is given unto men once to tie, then comes the judgment.”, and, “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, he who does not believe shall be damned.”
Its like the review is,, just,, you get to feel how you made others feel. Its not bad or good black or white. You experience your impact. You recieve what you put out.
Thank you. I was meant to see this today
The qualities of these videos are unmatched. Genuine NDE stories unlike so many other NDE channels that have their hidden agendas to deceive people….
I coded three times caused by hospital personnel. There IS life after death. Not an easy run.✝️
If people would know where we come from, why we are here on this planet, and where we are going after this life their fear of death would vanish and their lives would become a paradise on earth. Here is the shorter version:
* We are children of a Heavenly Father who is not only our God but literally the father of our spirits.
* Our Heavenly Father gave us life and a spiritual body before we were born. We had spiritual bodies and in those spiritual bodies we lived with him and our eldest brother Jesus Christ. We lived in a place called the pre-existance world.
* While in the pre-existance Heavenly Father taught us his truths and all kinds of principles of intelligence. We were happy in that place but we could see that our Heavenly Father is a glorified being with a tangible, physical, body while we only had spiritual bodies.
* Heavenly Father explained us that in order to gain a body like his and to become a glorified being like him we had to go through an experience called mortality. He told us that he would built a world for us where we could live on, which would be like a school for us. He explained that the purpose of our mortal experience is to learn and to be tested to see if we are willing to love and serve him or serve Satan, and to go through experiences that would give us an opportunity to develop godlike attributes such as kindness, compassion, patience, the ability to forgive, generosity and etc. Heavenly Father also told us that Satan, the son who rebelled against him and was cast out of heaven with his followers, the same Satan would tempt us to make us sin, so that we would be impure and not able to return to our Father in heaven in our corrupted state after this life.
* While we lived in Heavenly Father's presence we were in a state of innocence because we had not been exposed to evil, but our Father knew that once we left his side, and became mortal, that we would be tempted by Satan and his angels and that we would commit sins and transgressions which would make us unclean and therefore unable to return to Him. Therefore Heavenly Father, in his infinite love and wisdom, designed a marvelous plan of happiness and salvation which included a mortal experience and a Savior who could wipe away our sins and make us pure again, thus worthy to return to Him, and who could also defeat physical death to give us eternal life in resurrected and perfected bodies.
* Even before he set the foundations of this world God called all his spirit children to a great counsel in heaven where he explained us his great plan of happiness. He told us that we would need a savior who could mediate and atone for us. When the moment to select that savior came God asked us: "who shall I send as your savior?" Jesus Christ, our eldest brother and the only perfect son of God from the beginning, stepped forward and said: "Here I am Father, send me. I will go down into the world and will teach your children about you and your will for them, and will call them to repentance; I will atone for their transgressions so that if they repent they can be forgiven and cleansed, and I will also die for them in order to take up life again to defeat physical death for ever, and I will do this leaving them their free agency, so they may freely choose to follow me or not, and thine be the glory Father."
Then another son of God named Lucifer, who was almost as perfect as Jesus Christ, stepped forward and said: "Here I am Father, send me. I will go down into the world and will teach your children about you and your will for them, but I will take away their free agency so they may not sin, and thus not one of them will be lost, but give me thy glory!"
Knowing that Lucifer's plan was in contradiction to his plan of eternal happiness God rejected it and ordained Jesus Christ as our Savior. Angry at the rejection Lucifer rebelled against God and with his deceitful words began to seduce and instigate others to support him in an insurrection against God; The prophet Isaiah said this of Lucifer:
12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation [the temple]
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit." (Isaiah 14: 12-15)
Following his rebellion Lucifer and his followers attempted to overthrow God, but Jesus Christ, and Michael (who is Adam) and all of us who are here on earth today or have ever passed through this world, we stood up and fought him with the power of our testimony. We stood up and testified that Jesus Christ alone is worthy to be our eternal Savior and that we will only serve our Heavenly Father. John the Revelator saw the great war in heaven and wrote:
"7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman [which represents the Church of Jesus Christ] which brought forth the man child [the man child is Jesus Christ.]
(Revelations 12:7-12)
Those who stood up with Christ and testified that he is our only Lord and Savior were allowed by God to continue on the journey of perfection by taking on a mortal body and coming to this world. They who maintained their "first estate" (that is the name of the spiritual body and existance we were in before birth) were allowed to obtain a physical body and to come into the "second estate" (that is the name of our physical bodies and mortal existance.) Likewise, those who maintain their "second estate" or in the words: come out of this mortal experience victorious, will obtain a "third estate" which is a glorified and immortal state of being, and in that "estate" they will enter into the glory assigned to them by the Father, according to their faith in Him, in his Son Jesus Christ and to their actions on earth.
In summary: We come from God's presence and if we follow Jesus Christ's teachings and commandments, and repent of our sins, and confess that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father and the only Savior through whom we may have salvation, we will be able to return to our Heavenly Father and live with him and Christ eternally. Our lives are but a temporary school away from home.
Not a word about God???!!!???😢
The lesson is clear, and i believe it. Be careful how you treat your loved ones and all those around you, because in your life review you will experience and feel how it felt for them.. What then will become of Putin, when he experiences the feelings of the relatives of the 20,000 people he murdered in Mariupol, from the air no less, and the others, and Netanyahu, and the Hamas commanders, and so forth? It is said we come here voluntarily, to learn, and i believe it, and that we all return.. but what of the minority of experiences, like Dominic's.. Lord Jesus Great Loving Light, help us and thank You for unfathomable and ineffable Love.. meanwhile most certainly, God forbid that i should even raise an eyebrow against my sister, except lest in Love.
I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience. It inspires me to be more aware and therefore more loving to others in my life.
Fits perfectly within the things I was taught from the doctrines in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Islam is true, this place will be ur place to learn about islam and that time u will choose if its the right way or u will reject the truth
“The universe runs on Love and FEAR.”
Retired Paramedic here, early in my career I had a patient having chest pain which ended up being a myocardial infarction. Suddenly he went into cardiac arrest in front of me and lost consciousness. Had no pulse or respiration, clinically dead. Took me several minutes to restart his heart. En route to the hospital he started waking up. I asked him what he remembered, he described the medical procedures I was performing on him while he was unconscious. Said he was standing behind and over me. That was over 40 years ago and I've thought about it every day. Interesting to hear many other people have had similar experiences 😊
I grew up in a rough situation and was homeless by 15. I have never been married, no kids, never found true love, and suffer from debilitating pain everyday. A year and a half ago I committed suicide. Several days later I came off the breathing tube. At 48 years old I have done everything to feel God’s love but there is never anything. I am so glad some of you have experienced God’s love.
The only thing about the story is the absence of Jesus. I so regret that because he deserves to be at the center of everything we talk about having to do with NDE's, life lessons, returning to resume our earthly life and the central purpose and mission of our lives. I hope one day you will recognize this and can find the joy that can only be found in our relationship with him, by repentance of sin and faith in his atoning sacrifice on the Cross on our behalf.
Antithesis drugs