Navy Diver Drowns & Meets his Soul Family (Near-Death Experience)

Navy Diver Drowns & Meets his Soul Family  (Near-Death Experience)
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David Bennett shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, drowning during a severe storm off the California Coast in 1983 while acting as Chief Engineer aboard the Navy research vessel “Aloha.” During his encounter on the Other Side he experienced the nature of his True Self, got to meet his Soul Family, and was guided by two Light Beings back into his body. David shares with us the Purpose he was given by God and how he was able to beat Stage 4 lung cancer by applying the lessons he learned from his Near-Death Experience.

“If you’re going to be grateful, you’ve gotta be grateful for All of Life” – David Bennett

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  1. Your testimony had me in tears the good kind of tears I lost a very amazing family member not by blood but he loved us like we were his own kids and passed away from lung cancer close to his 89th birthday he served 30+ years in the navy and passed away from stage 4 lung cancer. I know he is up there with God and feeling all the love and peace he deserves to feel. I miss him and think about him everyday. I hope and pray he is the one who gets guide me up there when its my time to go after god says its time.❤️❤️🙏🏽

  2. I am a deeply spiritual person with much knowledge of your experience. It really happened 2 U and what U now need 2 do not just 4 U but any and all who hear this story is believe and accept. Lessons are hard learned but remember what your xperience was all about. Good luck & go in peace. CANDY

  3. We’re all down here never finding our “soul mate” cause they on the other side waiting for us to croak and come back home to them 🙂

  4. Dave quick question. In your interview when you speak about your cancer adventure you say “we are cancer free” who is we? Are you counting your light or are you speaking about the medical team who helped you as well?

  5. Do you know that the Scriptures tell us that the dead are not conscious of anything? Ecclesiastes 9:5,10! The Devil is going about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour you! 1Peter 5:8! Who will you believe, the Father of the lie, or the Heavenly Father with whom it is impossible to lie? ( Titus 1:2) We all must choose! Psalms 83:18; Isaiah 42:8!

  6. Do you know that the Scriptures tell us that the dead are not conscious of anything? Ecclesiastes 9:5,10! The Devil is going about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour you! 1Peter 5:8! Who will you believe, the Father of the lie, or the Heavenly Father with whom it is impossible to lie? ( Titus 1:2) We all must choose! Psalms 83:18; Isaiah 42:8!

  7. This was probably the best NDE story I have heard so far. This gentleman was amazing and an inspiration. His story is a true blessing for those of us who have not experienced NDEs. He is obviously a stellar human being.

  8. Ive been on the other side for 22 minutes ,no blood packed in ice. David Bennett's story when he was on the other side and how he feels about life now is the very closet explaining my experience. Thank you David Im saving your interview

  9. I drowned in an Olympic-sized pool during swim team tryouts when I was 12. After struggling in the water for what seemed like forever and just sinking deeper and deeper, I accepted that I was going to die. My body slowly relaxed, and then my life flashed before me like a movie. As I watched, I was suddenly jerked from above–I was being saved by a lifeguard! I will never forget that day. I honestly thought that was it, but I guess God said, "Not yet." 🙏🏻

  10. I have always had the mind set that im not loved. Everyone only want to for what they can get. But I dont know how move independently. They only thing that keeps calling me is suicide I have started watching these videos but at the moment nothing is pulling me to stop completely. It only when im really down that I try. I have tried counciling but they are only there when u call them

  11. I’m sorry none of this is true… nobody’s purposely sent on this life to become a doctor or homeless or violent ect.

  12. The state described is like a base case visual field in the state of NDE as well as some deep trances. I have seen (and been rescued by) this field of lights when I once dropped into a sharply lucid vision of a quiet, but busy, demon figure (real or imagined I do not know). I was doing everything I could to avoid looking into his eyes when I reached and looked upward into this field of points of light on a black background. All was well after that. Similar to the field of lights described here.

  13. Thank you David for sharing your story. It gives us that peace of mind that all will be all right when our time comes. But that we should continue to be as kind as possible to others . God bless you David for all you do for others.

    I want to share that every day I say this short prayer. Infinite Blessings to you my Lord & my God. Infinite Gratitude to you my Lord & my God.

  14. I was memorized with this gentlemen's decription of his NDE. By far one of the best I've heard. He has a pleasant voice and he had my full attention.
    Thanks for your post.

  15. Does anyone have any experience with dmt that they can draw similarities to these descriptions of NDEs? I’m just curious if there are other ways to reach this state, or if there is any sort of connection between profound psychedelic experience’s and NDEs.

  16. I love these stories they touch something so deep and innate within me. My only qualms are that I researched NDEs for my thesis in college, I remember reading one article about a Hispanic man who died in prison and went to what he describes as hell. He said it was terrifying and painful and dark. BUT. He was living a hard life, a thug and a gangbanger. After his NDE, he switched his whole life around and now is a family man. Maybe that’s the NDE his guides needed him to see to get on his right path? I wish I could find the article again. But idk just food for thought.

  17. I was transported by your voice. Through the entire experience I felt like I was with you. I feel so much relief from your description of the Love and Oneness waiting for us on the other side. Thank you for sharing your story.

  18. Hi, heared your incredible story, but I am a bit confused when I listen in almost all the NDE's about the unconditional love, does a murderer and a noble soul both are loved the same way?

    Second thing is that you have mentioned the higher purpose, so may be you could help others goung through similar situations heal up faster by using holistic methods.

  19. Seeing so many homeless and families in desperate situations of suffering from addictions to trauma and society hating. It's our jobs to prioritize our own family. If you have been estranged from anyone in family. I emplore you and everyone to be there for them because once they die you get ill from the what ifs. Why couldn't we love more understand more allowed them to express themselves more. It's never too late to say sorry or allow for our loved ones to have a home in ours. Regardless if they work or not stop judgment maybe they can't keep a job because of the people who are working who are make it difficult to. Love love love love our families and those who need help.

  20. Really would LOVE to know what holistic approaches to curing his stage 4 cancer in less 6 months were! Has he shared any of tht info anywhere?

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