In this video we head to Ballinger Texas and explore a cemetery that has a few strange occurrences. Are the spirits on the other side trying to get our attention? Check out this video and let me know what signs you seem to catch! Also be sure to visit The Olde Park Hotel in Ballinger, Texas if your looking for a cool paranormal experience! #cemetery #ghost #graveyard #haunted #scary #paranormal #spirit #creepy #spiritbox #ghosthunting #evp
Dalen, the barbed wire cross, is a symbol of peace and reconciliation. It must be an old graveyard.
I have loved you guys since your first show. You are kindhearted, respectful and sometimes, very funny. Wish you all the best.
The wind probably caused arrangement to fall over. You can hear it in the audio.
The barbed wire represents the crown of thrones placed on Jesus’ head.
Dalen,Thank You,
For Sharing,This Experience,
With Your Viewer's.
Dalen,I Feel,That , Children,
And Babies, Like ,To Connect,
& Communicate. With You.,
From ,("The Spiritual,World,".)
Thank You,Dalen,Taco,& Tito.
For Giving,The Good,Spirit's,A
Voice,To Communicate With You.& Us.
Hey There,Dalen.
Hope You ,And ("Taco,& Tito,".)
Are Doing,Well.
Thank You,For Sharing,Your
("Boy's ,/Son's,".) With Us.
Thank You,Also,For When You,
Introduce,Yourself,And Say,
What You,Do,To The Spirit's.
Like You,Do.
It Is,So Respectful,The Way,
You ,Say And Do,What You ,Do.
When You,Do Your Video's.
I Wish,You,And Your Boy's,/Son's, ("Taco ,& Tito ,".)The Very Best,And The Safest,
Of Your Traveling,On The Road.
("God,Bless ,You All.,".)
The wide part of the flower arrangement was in line with the wind and that’s what blew. Hopefully acted like a sail
The barbed wire around the cross is the crown of thorns that zjesud was crowned with.
Maybe you should of do spirit box not to soon do it The spirit wants you to Knows your doing utube
Those are NOT kids spirits. More like demons deceiving people.
Kids when they passed they meet the Lord.
Why I Never Hear Him Say Rest Well In Jesus Name??? And He Should Know Who Wore The Bob Wire Around His Head And That Would Be Our Savior Jesus Christ.❤ But I Love What He’s Doing Though. Be Blessed ❤
We have a really old cemetery by us and all the headstones are broken. So sad
The babies grouped so closely:
Two major diseases came in waves and impacted Americans during the mid to late 1800s. The first is cholera, an infection that happens in the intestines and is still prevalent in many countries today. The second is scarlet fever, an infection that happens commonly after strep throat.
Dude, We are kindred spirits. I love cemeteries. I’ll visit them whenever I can. I’m on the northshore off Lake Ponchartrain. New Orleans is on the south and you know that is graveyard heaven (see what I did with that)) And one near the lake that I visited everyday and just hung out with every one. When I get close to one I feel the energy which I love. My dad had a funeral home and I was with him all the time. Worked alongside. Progressed from carrying flowers to driving the family car. The energy was palpable. It made me smile. Warmed my soul. And the smell of flowers bring me right back to there. I am so glad I ran across your account. ❤️
I see spirits since I was 6 I am now 74
You are such a Beautiful Soul. ❤❤
The bed frame is a crib. There was a baby there.
Just found your channel mate, looks good and I’ve subscribed. TMW 69 🏴🇬🇧
You are so kind ad respectfully, this was great ❤
Hate that a lot of these graveyards are overgrown and neglected !
Yep! Things we don't think twice about today, killed folks 100 years ago!
I miss ghost brothers!! When are ya'll coming back?!?
You are very nice!
You do all kinds of nice things for these people in the graveyard. Fixing and picking up things good for you. I don't know why you'd be getting kicked out of Applebee's in all these places. Well, maybe you should sit back and think about why you got kicked out. Don't do it again, maybe.
Well, it does sound kind of windy out there that could have knocked that 1 over if the wind just hit it right? And that's very sweet of you to pray over them ❤️🙏
The Bob.
Wire Crown is to represent the thorn's Jesus Was wearing?
It's a baby crib
I love seeing people doing ghost box sessions!! When it said “guarantee it” it sounded to me like someone said “my grandkids” so COOL! I am fascinated and in love with the respect you show these people. ❤️
Don't worry, it's windy out. 🙂 Love your style.
I cannot express how much I appreciate how respectful and compassionate you are
Makes me wonder if that couple had any children before, in between or afterwards who survived. So heartbreaking to know they birthed and lost three babies in a matter of 5 years. I wonder if they had some kind of genetic issue or if they all passed from illness. I can't help but think whatever the case may have been, if those babies would have been born a hundred or so years later they may have all survived. As a mother myself I just can't imagine. I had two later term miscarriages and two early term miscarriages- with 2 living children born in between. My kids are my everything- but I still occasionally grieve the ones I lost and wonder what they would have looked like, who they would have been, what their voices would have sounded like… I hope that couple got the chance to raise a child into adulthood. Either way they are finally all together by now. May they all rest in piece as a family.❤
The fact that you seen 3 white butterflies and then spoke to 3 children (even though there were more than that- you initially seen 3) is really cool. Like those butterflies represented those children. I love how respectful and caring you are when you're at cemeteries… funny I was typing this comment as you said something about those 3 butterflies being those children! 😲🤯🤣
Most people forget about the dead but I have reason to believe they are still around. It is very unselfish of this guy to be doing this. Some of those graves probably never get visited even by relatives.
His nervous laugh or giggle 👀😭
No you didn't. If anything, you talked to demons
😮I heard the name Sheba a few times. In the Bible this says let this name be a reminder to baby! You had 3 babies in front of you.
The 3 graves you are next to are children so I was not surprised
Crown of thorns
Butterflies are probably the cabbage butterfly.
The barbed wire cross was for cowboy who did not have family or money for burial. 🙏🏾
You fixing Miss Jane's grave, you have a lot of people around you right now. Wow, that's crazy ❣️
You seem very caring of the people who’ve passed on, and I appreciate what you’re doing. Bless you for stopping to try to fix things as you go!
Showing emotion is a sign of strength, not weakness. No person should ever have to feel the need to hide sadness.
Town called Corsicana Texas. There a large cemetary beside the park. My grandparents lived there. We went out for visit 1 time when I was a kid. We had a stationwagon. Well, we were bored one afternoon so a bunch of us piled in the car & we went riding around the cemetary. Let me say here that my grandmother & her brother surveyed cemeteries all over Texas in their spare time. Anyways we cane across a few of those child enclosures. The neatest thing was this huge tricycle thing enclosed in glass. I've been back there several times over the years & never have been able to find it again.
I touch my heart too when you said are you the butterfly❤❤
I just found your channel.❤
My kids already asking me what it was like being born in the 1900’s 😂
Love you on kountry wayne
You’re not talking to kids…you’re talking to demons….seek Jesus 🙌🏽
There is a female, a young male and an older male