Is Highlining an Extreme Sport? – Playing on 10 Parallel Highlines

Is Highlining an Extreme Sport? - Playing on 10 Parallel Highlines
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The SLACKTIVITY-Team has rigged 10 parallel highlines between 2 bridges in 70m height in Versam, Switzerland.
Music: &

In case that you are interested to highline one day, you should absolutely visit a highline course:

But before doing so, learn slacklining 😉 Here you can find a list with the best slackline beginner tutorials out there:

Interested in rigging highlines one day?? Then have a look here to learn about forces, rigging techniques and the necessary gear:

And if you want to learn Highline Freestyle tricks, then the following page is simply the perfect source to learn:

And again, before you start freestyling, you should of course first learn the highline basics 😉 So have a look here to get prepared for your first highline:


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About the Author: SLACKTIVITY


  1. Waaoo that is awesome so good and great that is reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally extreme… i do love it but i think i would never do it unless i were tired of my life and i would wanna suicide myself and die that is when i will do it.

  2. this is the absolute joy guys
    love it, especially hi-fives and one by one diving ))
    you've made my day, thank you!
    and thanks for a lot of tips in other videos, they are really helpful
    nice channel!

  3. Ist es möglich sich im Sommer 2018 mal bei euch anzuschließen?
    Ich guck eure Videos jetzt schon seit 2 Jahren und find euch super sympatisch! 🙂

  4. Interesting whats happens if two highline surfers on close parallel lines leash fall over other line on maximus swing? burn and melt second main line or both main line and backup line too?

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