Newborn calf dumped still wet with afterbirth rescued

Newborn calf dumped still wet with afterbirth rescued
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We got a call on our helpline to rescue a newborn calf who had just been dumped by a dairy owner. The little boy calf was still wet with afterbirth. He had been dumped and left to die on the side of the road so that he wouldn’t drink any of his mother’s milk.

Today Dil is 2 months old and will live at our shelter for the rest of his life.

Please donate to rescue precious babies like Dil :


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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. No one should do this don't even think of this separating a mother from her child sabse bada pap he??? my eyes was full of tears I my heart was crying ???

  2. this is why i am vegan i wish people would look at the painand suffering that comes from a glass of milk, so not worth it almond milk is just great with cereal

  3. I think we should stop drinking cow's milk because its for calves not for humans. Cows don't give us milk we take it from them no matter they want to give or not. We force them to give milk to us. Also so many Dairy farmers abandon male calves because they cannot give milk.

  4. Many people don't know this, but… In the dairy industry, only females are required because males don't produce milk. Like all mammals, cattle produce milk to feed their young once they give birth. It is a misconception that cows just produce milk non-stop, they do so only once impregnated. As such, when a male is born, he will be slaughtered. Either he is culled immediately, or he is sold into the veal industry and then killed after a few weeks of living in confinement, or he is sold into the beef industry and killed as soon as he reaches a profitable size, which will be about one year old. If the calf is female, typically she will be removed from her mother so that the milk can be stolen, and then she is used in the same manner. Once a mother's milk production is less proftable, she has her throat slit. That generally happens after two milking cycles, when she would be around six years old. The average lifespan of a cow is about twenty years. Like all mammals, cows only produce milk to feed their young. In the dairy industry, the calf is taken away from the mother, and if male, killed. As such, the mother will be producing milk, and in the absence of her child, will "need to be milked". This is no justification for the process of course. If you were to kill a woman's baby boy while she was trying to breast-feed him, you could hardly claim to be doing her a favour by then stealing her milk because it "needed to be done". The whole process doesn't need to be done.

  5. Hey Animal Aid, I just had an idea!! I don't know if it'll work or not but what if you guys started a "petting zoo" so people can pay a little something ( I don't know how much that is in India ) so people can pet them and play with them for a fee? Wouldn't that help with the costs? Again I don't know if that would work but even if it can generate a LITTLE bit of revenue that can be used to help fund your operation. I hope it's practical over there. I'm sure animal lovers would pay to be around those beautiful critters and fund your operation. I know I WOULD (pay) if I were there. ? just a thought.

  6. I could NEVER abandon an animal to fend for itself. Especially a baby ?. Too bad your mother didn't abort YOU (farmer) and make YOU LIVE on your own @ birth. I hope you get herpes you sorry son of a bitch ?!!

  7. A cow has enough milk to feed the baby and a family. It is so greedy to think that they have to take the baby away so that they can keep all of the milk. That’s why I think I don’t want to support that industry and drink milk anymore.

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