Total Idiots At Work Got Instant Karma | Best Fails of the Week #77
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Total Idiots At Work Got Instant Karma | Best Fails of the Week #77
Im smiling from ear to ear!
You guys are a gift to the internet!
Your video was a beacon of light in a dark day. Thank you for spreading happiness!
Instant Karma got them good! So funny! 🤣
Very attractive and quality collection
Can’t watch this with the subtitles- “don’t try this, be careful, she’s OK – ect – to fucking woke for me
Sempre gosto de assistir aos seus vídeos.
Total idiots at work always bring a smile to my face! 🤣
3:05 Bowling ball,not throwing ball, get one with slightly bigger finger holes.
OK was she trying to air out her stink that was not dancing
OK girl standing on chair was fake set up seen the break in chair
Love how fake the fool is pretending to slip on the ice, she looks ridiculous
Total idiots at work always find new ways to entertain me! 😂
Correction: At about 16.37 it was a rabbit, not a cat! Cats do not fave long ears!
At 30:28, look above the bridge to the right. Is that a U.F.O??
Brace yourself for some epic idiots at work moments in this video.
I need to share this with everyone. The most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera
¡Este video es divertidísimo! Me he reído tanto que me duele la barriga.
Very attractive and quality collection, my friend
amazing..good job. I like the video. funny and entertaining
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