FightHype was on the scene when UFC superstars Nate Diaz & Jorge Masvidal hosted another press conference for their anticipated rematch in the boxing ring July 6 in Anaheim, California. You don’t want to miss what they had to say about the fight and much more. Check it out!
It’s so sad but I like this guy, but he’s using his bodyguard for armor. What did they go to show you? This guy speaks a little bit telling that he loves Trump, but he can use his own bodyguards for barrier because his mouth gets him in trouble.
This really sells PPVs love it
Yeah this isn’t fake at all. Not a marketing scheme. No way.
Too bad Fernando Vargas is older. He would have wooped someones ass. But sad to see everyone praising the trainer because he was the only one who stepped up, and they didn't. I've been in that same situation many times lol
Chap in the silver coat doing anything to get on the camera hahaha
Jorge…. geezzze if he was good he would still be in the ufc. Dude spent like 5 years in the ufc. Diaz had like 15 years in the ufc…maybe more.
Masvidal been trying to fight the fans the whole time lol
Think about what your being told here. You attacked the Man that is teaching the art or fighting to these men. For starters he has earned the respect of the men standing around him and he would not be the Man to coming at like This he is a man taking his time and using his time to teach others an art. Many of us were given the opportunity to learn from wiser men who wished to instil their knowledge and wisdom into us when were learning. Where is the respect this is something I personally have never liked about the fight game "The Entourage" some of these shit bags always be stepping up like idiots don't know who they are messing with . Show some respect you never know what a man does for others. Respect to this Man !
"Thanks For Being There Coach We Got You !" Is what I would of said to him
Grow up and stop acting like high school kids
All those "gangsters" there and only the old guy does something. Rest of yall are keyboard warriors looking for fame stood behind a fighter who fights for money! Joke men
Little girls
Lol. Get it
Why would they hace suck movie cameras on the moment they brawl?
Starting to think not everyone seen the same video cuz Diaz peep got split coach got a baby lump on his head 2 on 6 masvidal a beast
Callate lo sico Fernando, fuck around & get knocked out like Oscar put you down!!!😅
le van a dar una putiza a nate probersito.
Mexicans are crazy lol
Suckershot Jorge looking over his shoulder like a scared little bitch. Hid behind his thugs. 😂😂😂
They went after him? He's the one who made it physical as far as i can tell from the video
Wow idk how this shifted from Let’s go Nate to Let’s go Masvidal 😂❤ I guess real just got revealed ❤ Team Vargas his Boys the trainer getting jumped and called racist names was wrong 😢Masvidal that’s what’s up❤ defending homie against 3 bullies ❤❤❤ respect Raza
From what i can see the trainer got wieghed in and masvidal ran
😂🤣 they started it and got their ass handed to them…. And they all walking like they did something 😂🤣
Looks like he is lost…
I've never been a fan of Jorge masvidal go nate diaz
Diaz starts these fights but is never in them he takes off first
Masvidal looks shook. Literally he looks like he just got done crying. 😢 😂😂
Like if pulling hairs is ok lol
Boring. Sleepfest drama
Masvidal is going to Rock Diaz
I go to sleep "At the end of the day.", don't know bout ya'll.
Maybe they should have worn ski masks instead.
Fernando put some pounds on.
Masvidal is who busted that dude up it wasn’t the trainer
Your trainer got popped bruh lmao.
Masvidal team seems super tough AFTER shit goes down.
Kinda comes off like a bunch of pretenders.
His trainer got pieced up we saw it and Jorge started pulling hair. What a bitch move!
Camera hit that white boy not a punch 😊
Guy that smacked the trainer in the red shirt gonna have target on his back now.
The trainer don’t know what happened
They all look coked up
This is literally to sell the fight.
They would both make more money in a boxing match together.
Im a Nate Diaz fan but damn Masvidal is a real one. Respect.
All Masvidal did was pull hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣