The Other Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiKaeTTDwKM
This is the greatest ghost hunt investigation of All Time
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The Other Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiKaeTTDwKM
This is the greatest ghost hunt investigation of All Time
Merch https://moistglobal.com/
Comics https://badegg.co/
Get Gamer Supps https://gamersupps.gg/?ref=moist
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Charlie, Stop lying to yourself, I remember the blood egg incident. You fell for it hook line and sinker my friend.
Next up Charlie needs to go global. Find the most haunted place on earth and go there.
Demon: OH FLIP ITS JESUS *skedaddles*
Ghost stuff doesnt happen when you go looking for it. It happens completely out of the blue.
At our old apartment the garbage can lid would flip on its own. No draft or anything. Just bang and you would look over and see it spinning.
Polish Psychic named Krzysztof Jackowski found and Is founding more bodies by contacting thier ghost from time to time and he have prove his abilities In Japanese show way back. Now he solve criminal cases and help people find missing things. He have YT channel talking about future and he does that to have proof on tape he Is able to do his with he did multiple times.
Ghosts are about as real as the monster that chased you up the stairs of the dark basement when you were a kid
I can’t wait for Charlie x The Boys collab!
I thought "orbs" were BS until I saw a softball sized orange one doing what seemed like a very small figure eight pattern at the opposite end of an abandoned hospital. *edit there were several shared witnesses to several things that day
I think you should go on sam and colby with matt… see what happens there. and tell us if they fake they videos
Try to summon some shit, let me know what happens 😂 im curious. Sacrifice a goat or some shit 😂
It's all fun and games till Charlie does the estus method and the spirit box goes "that's about it see ya" ☠️
I was waiting for him to be talking about this stuff just for his god slap poster and his golden play button to go flying at him and Charlie just being like oh goodness gracious the wind is wildin ☠️
Upload the entire session so we can find a random face in the background
I used to not believe in ghosts then I had a memory of childhood and realized I had a paranormal experience. I won’t detail it because I doubt I’d be believed and why would I? I’m a stranger online and it’s a crazy story. But that crazy story did change my opinion. I’ve never had any paranormal experience since tho. I’ve tried ghost hunting many times and nothing ever happens. I guess what I will say is while I’m not trying to make you believe in ghosts I do think people should be more open minded and at least look at things more agnostically.
i think you should go to a haunted place alone during the night without a crew, that would be interesting
i think charlie should investigate with the boys. they seem to get a lot of activity when they investigate
You know what the vast majority of conspiracy theories, paranormal/supernatural ideologies, religions, pseudosciences, etc. all have in common? An aversion to Occam's Razor and common sense. They quite literally subscribe to the opposite belief, not based in any logic or reasoning. They're the real skeptics, skeptical of reality and objective truth. As if science is for schmucks. Science schmience, who needs it.
Should've had Chris Bores on since he does ghost hunting now.
I feel like the ghost hunting ploy was just a convenient excuse for Charlie to have a slumber party with the boys
Can we get a ghost hunting series?
I was really looking forward to this video as I am mostly a non believers too. I wanted to see someone with no bias towards proving spirits do the tests however I can see how the goal was not chieved here…
You guys went in there taking the piss, a spirit would likely see that as disrespectful and not engage with you OR tell you to "leave", "silence" etc as we saw.
You can't just show up with the premis of not proving anything, it's just as bad as those who believe everything. You need to be serious about it and treat the dead respectfully.
the flash pic of charlie after 14:32 lmao
Yeah ghost B rreal
The silliest thing about ghost shows is that they take place at night, in the dark. Why? What? Are ghosts nocturnal? If they're the ghosts of humans, wouldn't they be most active during the day? (It's almost like it's just fake nonsense meant to feel more spooky)
okay, this may be off topic, but these bots like angry asriel rlly get annoying, and imma take one for the team, and these bots suck. they suck, and i'm not mad.
We can see the lamp in the back and the shadows seem to be reflecting in the direction away from the light idk seems like yah wasn’t in the dark
Wilmington, NC is supposedly super haunted. We have a nightly ghost walk where you visit all the haunted mansions
So, you want something to happen?
Stream it live and make sure everyone knows.
I think that might improve the odds, also take complete strangers with you that meet you for the first time on that night.
let the viewers pick the place.. so its all random.. the place doesn't need to be famous..
Where i live next door i think that apartment is cursed and likely haunted.. people move in their but if they stay too long they don't move out alive… might have been blessed by now i warn people about it.. people start acting strange when they move in there… i live in the corner of spook central.. the person lived across from me just died too… she was a very nice lady had a stroke couldn't talk good.. our landlord is a horrible person and doesn't check in on people to make sure they are okay…
I haven't seen my neighbor in the cursed appt in awhile and it sort of smells like death on my floor…maybe they are dead… if that is true… 100% cursed…appt… the guy that moved in was on a lower floor and likely got a good "deal" he sure was happy about it.. till i told him about the place and like all the rest he acted very strange … like you think he was talking to you, then you get off the elevator and would continue a conversation with no one? The lady before that when i would leave and check my door she would open her door and look at me and say nothing… yup perfectly normal…starting to freak myself out a bit now.. my lights motion lights will turn on randomly bad electrical? but if my place is haunted its a friendly ghost 🙂
Matt complimenting the spirit realm 😂
15:59 Wall, beside Charlies head is a cross imprint on the wall.
The ghosts felt that Charlie thought they were fake, that’s why they didn’t show up
Im a skeptic myself, however it may be a good idea to use a sherpa thats been doing it a while.
I think most paranormal experiences happen when least expected while alone.
Hi Charlie