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STREETBEEFS founder SCARFACE was the focus of the NEW YORK TIMES documentary titled GUNS TO GLOVES and was also in the February 2019 edition of ESPN THE MAGAZINE.
After years of watching people in my area severely hurt each other over various disputes, I decided to offer a solution. Come to SATANS BACKYARD and put gloves on to settle your dispute.
No guns, No knives, No gang of friends jumping in.
Just you, your Foe, the referee, and a group of spectators.
I’ve settled hundreds of disputes in our area with this method, and hope to settle THOUSANDS more, all while entertaining my viewers.
SOME MATCHES ARE PURELY FOR SPORT, some are REAL beef, and ALL are entertaining.
Streetbeefs is a club where people form a bond with each other, and develop lasting friendships, while providing a safer outlet for aggressive young men and women to solve disagreements without killing each other or going 2 jail.
#boxing #mma #streetbeefs
lmaooooo Jidion is a fool hahaha
This sad to watch 😭. Stick to trolling people
Disappointing I thought it was really going to be a fight
When you let the special needs kid fight😂😂
I knew this would be goofy gay.
Jidion is a joke clown
What happened to the Suga Show being there??
no way ufc champs are that bad boxers. suger shane should be embarrassed.
Should have actually knocked him out after his performance Reffin the co ed round
Rent due
Jdion should spar Sean Strickland next
Love JiDion
what is bro doing lol
lol, jidion crazy!
This one was super fun!
Jidon vs edp lets do it
W jidion
You would think if someone was pulling pranks like he does that they would have hands 😂
not tryna be that guy but why this under 1m views? if i didnt follow i would've missed this
Dijon got fired from no jumper.. now she’s here?
I know they're going super light, but still, no mouthpiece with braces is a TERRIBLE idea lol
I remember back in some of his earliest uploads it was backyard boxing
Don’t ever let this man referee again pls
This Is One Of My Best Street Beefs ❤
Lol he's such a Pilsbury doughboy.Nice fun event though.
bros fall off needs to be studied…
Rent us due FOREAL
mad unexpected wtf😂
"What's all that movement back there?!" AYO!!
Since when did Streetbeefs partner with Make A Wish?
Never expected this 😂
Get the man some oxygen
rare jidion side mission
This was fun.
Yes suh Jidion ❤
Reminds me of jidions hood boxing real ones know
Scar face has a big heart. Much love to the STREET BEEF CREW and Crowd. God bless yall.
Jidion weak asl for this 😭😭
Jidion weak asl for this 😭😭
Watch him get cold at boxing
Was not expecting this collab 😭
Y’all gotta great community, this shit was fya🔥🔥💯
Damn. J dawg needa loose some weight.
I wonder what Jidion wants to do with boxing? I met him for a brief moment at Main Street Boxing and Maui Thai in Houston Texas when I lived there. (He was doing a vlog and was kind enough to say "hi" and take a picture for "the gram" lol. I asked him that question but he was in "video mode" so he gave funny responses mores than really "answering the question". ) He used to do backyard fights as well which you can find on YouTube. Probably just has love for the sport and wants to be around it. Maybe we can see him doing one of the celebrity matches. He definitely has enough friends like the people here to make him do well if he put his mind to it.