Steroids Are Awesome

Steroids Are Awesome
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In this video I’m discussing the effects of steroids: good and bad.

Check out my two BEST products (my beginner-intermediate training program and my nutrition app)

1. My Fundamentals Training Program:

2. MacroFactor Diet App: [Use code Jeff for a FREE 2 week trial]

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How Much Muscle Can Creatine Build

How Much Muscle Can Steroids Build

General Risks of Steroid Usage

The Effect of Steroids on the Brain

The Effect of Steroids on the Heart

The Effect of Steroids on the Testes

The Effect of Steroids on Life Expectancy

Thanks to these folks for helping me with the video:

Mike Israetel:
Derek More Plates More Dates:
Chase Irons:

Also, shoutout to Kurzgesagt for the video concept idea:


Written by Jeff Nippard
Filmed by Jeff Nippard & Meraki Films (
Edited by Rickie Ho & Jeff Nippard (
Music Arranged by Editor Musket (
Music sourced from Epidemic Sound


About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 15 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.


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About the Author: Jeff Nippard


  1. Exciting news! We JUST hit 150,000 users on my nutrition app MacroFactor! As you can probably tell from my videos, I really value data. That's why my app has the best analytics and science-based coaching algorithms out of any app on the market. You can try it for 2 weeks for free here if you use code JEFF:

  2. Question: Does it make sense, to do lengthened partials on chin ups, where there is nearly no challenge in the bottom part. Greetings from Germany (Johannes)

  3. [02:55] Your heart is also a muscle so of course the same happens there, the testosterone enters your heart cells and tells your DNA to make your heart bigger. The extra bulk makes it harder for your heart to squeeze and relax this means your heart won't be able to pump blood as effectively which increases your risk of heart failure. | [06:16] Some testosterone is converted into oestrogen which can increase soft tissue formation in men, leading to soft puffy nipples also known as gyno. | [8:58] Your connective tissue cannot maintain the pace of your muscular strength and often this will lead to unnecessary injury. You'll see often bodybuilders end up with brutal injuries. | [13:32] Have you been training hard and smart for 10 years? |

  4. Yes Jeff, maybe you are not injecting/taking steroids, but what about the ones you eat (meats and animal products), those ones count too as taking hormones/steroids if not ask Canelo Alvarez (the mexican boxer) jaja

  5. Hey Jeff – Please change the video's title or add an asterisk Before clicking the video. I genuinely believed the title of the video and took it literally. As you know the title of the video will be viewed by way more people than the ones who actually took the time to watch this excellent and informative video and thus can believe the statement used as a title = Steroids are awesome. Thank You.

  6. TRT, with physician tracking you and labs twice a year keep your levels 700-900 is the key won’t hurt your heart and organs at all, infact medical studies show low T is more deadly making men 40 plus suffer from metabolic syndrome gut gets huge, insulin and diabetes sets in Hugh blood pressure all sorts of shit. I would never use testosterone at a steroid cycle dose no way! Too risky and most certainly will harm body over time. I had to do something when I hit 40 my labs showed my tit testosterone was 167 weeks waited 3 months tested again during that time I worked out and cleaned up my diet, it was 191 So I decided that I can’t stay that low and now I have it 800
    And I feel great 👍

  7. My former gym owner took stuff and died at around 43 from a heart attack…
    An other gym owner took nothing, but the heavy weights made him have back surgery, hip replacement surgery, elbow and shoulder surgeries…

  8. All Religions Are False! god does not exist!

    1.everything comes from everything!

    that has been proven!

    and can't come from nothing!

    is the same for god cannot come from nothing!

    and can make everything from nothing!

    evidence! god does not exist!! the cosmos! the universe!

    cannot be created or destroyed!

    that has been proven!

    has no beginning and no end!

    evidence! god didn't create universe!

  9. OMG I love your channel and its great science based approach! Then what did you do? You raised the bar and interviewed Dr Mike–Science Muscle God???!!! Too fantastic!!!

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