This remarkable subterranean world is a place of ghostly stillness. A sure advantage for the small-eyed, big-eyed hunting spider. Despite its name, it does not rely on its eyesight to hunt, but its super sensitive leg hairs to capture unsuspecting prey.
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Taken from ‘South Pacific’ (2009)
Unimaginably vast, the Pacific Ocean is 99% water and only 1% land – you could fit the whole of the world’s landmasses into it and still have enough room for another Africa! This landmark documentary series explores the sheer scale and majesty of the largest ocean on Earth, the isolation of its islands, the extraordinary journeys wildlife and humans have gone through to reach these specks of land, and what happened to both after their arrival.
Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn’t get more exciting than this.
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Imagine if the torchlight suddenly running out of battery, it would be a nightmare trying to get out of this cave 😢
I always watch BBC.
Now I'm still watching 😊
There is so much we have yet to see on this planet. Can't imagine the things that are still to be found.
I've been to the Undara lava tubes in Northern Queensland. I didn't see spiders there, but I am sure they were present.
I did see hundreds of huntsman spiders on the walls of the Chillagoe-Mungana cave. It was a great experience (and I am glad I wasn't born a cricket!)
How come the BBC, a public financed chanel is able to do such a high quality production with way less financial support compared to the german public media like ARD and ZDF? BBC is the proof that you dont need billions to produce quality TV, you just have to set your priorities right.
Thank you for sharing this video
Tolle Wesen diese Spinnen. Gruss Jürgen 🤠
Your videos are always a great inspiration to me
Curiously, the spider appears darker in color compared with other cave inhabitants which are much paler. Remaining pigments may suggest it's relatively a new comer?
Absolutely amazing creatures, magnificent senses, how wonderful creation is.
Why are these insects translucent/white?
It's very easy. It's wet where they live, so they can't wear glasses. The small eyes are for far looking and the big ones are for reading because of their boring world.
I heart they prefere spiderman-comics.
Where my flamethrower at 🧐.
The more I learn about the wonders of life, the more it seems reasonable for me to accept this conclusion: The origin of life required an intelligent source.
Therefore, it is appropriate to agree with one Bible poet who said this long ago about God: "With you is the source of life." – Psalm 36:9.
E de facto surpreendente as sobrevivências de espécies …neste local hostil e recôndito…mas esta aranha assusta com tantos olhos!!
I'm hungry. Anyone for cricket – ah I mean chips?
Evolve night vision, spider. And you’ll have an evolutionary advantage.
The beginning is clearly an opening of Alien movie. Classic.
Living without seems like a natural thing for those S. Spiders
Hunting is much easier when the prey walks onto your lap
oh its Bendebloo Coombabla, can't stand it when they get random celebrities to narrate stuff to try and bring in viewers. comes across as so fake and forced, takes me out of the doc
That's horrible. *upvote.
How do they film this? Some sort of special camera I guess.
Looks like trump eating biden.
I visited a lava tube in Hawaii. Absolute indescribable blackness.
0:50 Looks like a Alien Nest
Was not expecting to hear Benedict Cumberbatch. XD
I was initially expecting the soothing and iconic voice of Sir David Attenborough.