They Just Got This Abandoned Dog’s Owner On The Phone | The Dodo

They Just Got This Abandoned Dog's Owner On The Phone | The Dodo
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Couple finds a dog tied up with a pair of pants at Starbucks — and when they track down her owner, they can’t believe his reaction!

Jaina and Ivy from Cats of San Bernardino weren’t expecting to rescue a dog, but they knew they had to help this sweet girl. They told us exactly how it felt to talk to her former owner and get him to surrender her to them!

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  1. What a creep! Unfortunately it’s all too common. Why ask if he’s will to surrender the dog when he obviously doesn’t care? He didn’t have the dog to surrender so seems like a silly question.

  2. Previous owner is a loser. Who intentionally moves to a place where you can't bring your dog? Would he move to an adults only place if he had kids?

  3. Thank god someone had the common sense to take the dog and find it a proper home, the nut case who owned the dog could have cared less, glad for the pup to see a happy ending.

  4. There is NO excuse for someone to treat any animal like garbage, he should be fined, I don’t care what is lousy excuse is, he needs to,pay up!

  5. Stupid behaviour from a species that has superior intelligence. People think a bit more before getting a pet. How about just dumping your kids when it gets too hard. Americans gotta have what they want in the moment, but stuff using your brain and common sense. It's all consumerism at its worst. Appalling.

  6. I'm glad that schmuck relinquished her. Now she can have a good life. Pretty sure she would not have had a good life with him. I do wish there were some kind of registry for creeps who have a record of being an irresponsible animal owner. He should never be able to buy or adopt one again.

  7. Years in rescue have made me realize we can't get people to do right by their unwanted animals if they fear punishment. They have to have amnesty drop-offs. At-least they will take them to a shelter & not just dump them somewhere. Once the dog is safe, give me their address & a few days…

  8. If i was moving house and i couldnt take my dogs i wouldnt go, i would find somewhere that accepted them. This fella is a scum bag and he probably left the dog there himself. He should be prosecuted for animal abuse and never be allowed to own another one, EVER.

  9. I hate that this sweet dog was abandoned, and that former "owner" dude is a POS… so glad she got her happy ending. She's with a much better family now.

    Hope that the adoption place that he got her from puts him on a "barred from adopting" list and spreads his info to other rescue places / shelters.

  10. What a freaking jerk. This guy is a complete liar, piece of crap. This fur baby is much better off without this freaking jerk abuser.

  11. Thank you for saving Bette Davis! ❤ It was definitely her lucky day to have been rescued.
    So many sadly aren't. Unforgivable to dump, abandon, neglect or in any way mistreat an animal.

  12. F** dumb Bi*** you should never own a dog. Why the F you leave a dog when you can't take it anywhere with you! I moved with 4dogs overseas. Shame on humanity 😕, why people like you exist on earth!!

  13. That poor baby! I can't understand people that do this to their dogs. To just dump them in the middle of nowhere is just wrong! I'm so glad she's happy now!!!

  14. This LOSER doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like this!! Don't take on anymore pets, Loser!! Thank you to those of you helped provide a new life for her now. You're the best!!

  15. This video is an example, of many, why it's critical to support animal rescue centers. Hope & sympathy alone are nice but don't actually help animals in need, actions do. So, if you care enough to help, plz seriously consider donating to an animal shelter or rescue center of your choice (or this one, in the video), even if just a small amount. Every cent to animals in need is a matter of life and deth. I choose life and donate a little every month to small shelters and rescue centers. Rescuing animals is truly a collective community effort… Plz join this noble effort.

  16. Actually, I don't beleive them both. They abandoned her, period. The first owner had plenty of time to find a home for the dog. He decided that the fastest and convenient solution was to abandon it. The man that was given the dog to should have been arrested for neglect and abandonment of a dog. It's unbelievable what people get away with when it comes to animal abuse, cruelty and neglect. This is wrong. They were both wrong and both are culpable to how the dog came to be homeless. Now, what's up with that sweatshirt? To keep him warm or to tie him down and he got loose?

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