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About the Author: Lainey and Ben


  1. There is a shadow reflecting the horse and the rider that is clearer than the horse and the rider themselves.
    If light goes through both animals making them look ghostly, then light should be doing the same on the reflection on the ground and it isn't.
    Therefore, the ghostly appearance of the horse and rider are just the result of the light affecting the contours of both while hitting them from behind.

  2. On a Pale Horse – Piers Anthony #1 in the series Incarnations of Immortality
    Death was named Thanatos and his Steed -Mortis
    Of course Death as an Office holder, a common bureaucratic Position
    Living in Purgatory….

  3. The bull is watching it closely, but what is suspicious is how the ghostly horseman is creating a lot of shadow yet the bull’s shadow is practically nonexistent

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