Woman wakes up in the coffin at her funeral #shorts

Woman wakes up in the coffin at her funeral #shorts
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An Ecuadorian woman has risen from the ‘dead’ after almost being buried alive.

Shocking video footage shows the moment 76-year-old Bella Montoya was rescued from her coffin, after being stuck inside for over four hours.

The woman was declared deceased after suffering a stroke in hospital and taken to a local funeral home for preparations.

#BuriedAlive #Ecuador #BellaMontoya #Coffin #10NewsFirst


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  1. After she die again 5 days later I would've told the funeral parlor pull out the casket โšฐ๏ธ that was already paid 4

  2. Very very weird she wasnt enbalmed first. But, yeah i know some countries dont do that. How scary though. What if she was buried alive and then woke up? Or woke up when cremation starts?
    They need to make sure people are dead!!

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