Accidents involving semi trucks are some of the most serious auto accidents that can occur. When a semi truck makes a sharp turn and loses its center or gravity, it can turn on its side and either fall on or slide into other cars, causing large pile ups and serious injuries. Direct collisions can be even worse, resulting in extensive injuries and death.
When a semi trailer truck collides with a car, the results are hardly ever positive. The size of these trailers is usually enough to cause serious damages to passengers in the smaller vehicles, and they can destroy these cars easily. While drivers and passengers in the other vehicle may be seriously hurt or even killed, many truck drivers walk away from the accidents without a single injury.
Why Are There so Many Crashes Involving Semi-Tractor Trailers?
Driving while fatigued is the number one safety issue facing the trucking industry and is a factor in almost 40% of all crashes in the U.S. The drivers for these trucking companies are under considerable pressure to move the cargo as quickly as possible, making 16 hour days not uncommon. Studies have revealed that 20% of semi tractor trailer drivers on the road had reported that they had fallen asleep at the wheel within the last 30 day period. There are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations which address the hours of service that drivers are allowed to log. Unfortunately, many trucking companies find ways around these restrictions or flat out choose to violate the regulations, putting us all in danger. Many times, in order to keep their jobs, truckers have no choice but to keep the wheels moving.
Truck-car collisions often involve some type of neglect on the part of the truck driver, the trucking company, or both. The most common causes of these crashes is poor training, drivers falling asleep at the wheel, improper or no maintenance of the truck or trailer, improper loading or aggressive driving, including speeding.
Sometimes trucking companies hire incompetent or unskilled drivers and fail to provide appropriate training. These trucks are 10,000 pound monsters, are very hard to maneuver and are very unlike a passenger vehicle in their behavior. It takes great skill and experience to drive one safely and responsibly…
Common causes of truck accidents include the following:
Defective truck equipment/mechanical failure: State and federal regulations require trucking companies to keep their trucks in proper working order and follow regular maintenance checks. Defective equipment can lead to tire blowouts, brake failures and other problems.
Overloaded trucks/unsecured loads: Overloaded trucks and unsecured loads can cause the truck to react poorly, erratically and dangerously. Loads can topple over or fall off trailers and cause accidents.
Truck driver fatigue/driving hour log violations: Truckers are required to follow driving hours regulations and record their hours in a log. Driver fatigue is a frequent cause of serious trucking accidents.
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As a former big rig driver a word of advice before you try and cut one off remember they can not and will not stop on a dime idiots!!!!!!!!
You questioned why the truck that blew the tire ended up in the ditch? The driver hit the brakes. The worst thing to do is hit the brakes when you blow a steer tire. You give it throttle to take the weight off the front axle, keep control and then slow down slowly. You might have to get a new rim and tire. But you will be able to get stopped without going into the ditch.
Why is it the white truck around 5:15 that wasn’t paying attention?? Of course the white Chevy hhr that was clearly at a high rate of speed had nothing to do with causing the accident…..smdh ??♂️
It is the drivers in the cars who are the problem. I am not a trucker, but I side with the truckers in most cases. Have the common sense to yield to a truck, and (if you value your life and the lives of others) STOP acting like a daredevil on the roads!. After, all they are hauling a tremendous amount of weight. Common sense people!
If you saw a semi take out a piece of bridge and you saw yet another bridge approaching WHY would you be that close (clip at 6;50). Dudes as dumb as the semi driver.
“Jesus Cramany” lol
I love how you name the streets as if we all drive around the country for a living.
“Oh yeah I recognized that street!”
6:45 just like in russia ;-]
9:21-1040 the struggle is real
Are we supposed to watch the video or read the scrolling text underneath? either one is good but not both
20 yr cattle hauler here.. that McDonald's shit has got to be the most stupidest shit I've ever witnessed… "I AIN'T NEVER DRIVER!"
First, the news are distracting, second, the "news" about maybe the first death related to vaping is complete bullshit! This people buyed cannabis products on the street. But because they are vapers, too, the FDA and others, that try to ban vaping, tell you this bullshit.
4:00 fun fact: some semi trucks dont have front brakes
These accidents will never stop until everyone considers both sides. Truck drivers are over worked under paid and treated like garbage. Most drivers dont know any rules truck drivers have to follow. Most cars cut in front of trucks too close, they cant stop immediately, it takes about 3 seconds for the brakes to engage. They can be almost 80,000 pounds and empty they can be 35,000 to 40,000 pounds. Winds make the trucks swerve sometimes, poor roads, equipment failures and truck drivers make mistakes as well. Think about your job, and ask yourself if you've ever made a mistake or had an accident. They are under federal law, in any accident they're drug tested immediately. They're paperwork is triple checked and they're blamed in most accidents unless they have cameras that can conclusively prove it at that moment. Most accidents I've seen have been the cars fault. These truck drivers are responsible for picking up and delivering everything in our countries economy yet we treat them like garbage and blame them for everything. How about considering their sacrifice for us? Give them more room, stop cutting in front of them, try paying more attention yourself and take some responsibility for your actions. There was one part of this video where the white car runs a red light and they caption says and the white truck wasn't paying attention. Why should the truck driver assume the white car wasn't stopping at a red light? Truck drivers aren't paid for sleeping in trucks away from their homes and families, they have to use dirty truck stops to shower brush their teeth, use the bathroom and eat. They have ridiculous rules to follow and at times I'm sure its mentally overwhelming. They have to be secretaries, dock workers, mechanics, drivers, navigators, never be late or too early and they better never have a bad day or attitude because that could also lose them their job. Please at least consider what I've said next time you see a truck driver make a mistake or you cut one off. Most of them are great people and excellent drivers. It's a tough job with an enormous turnover rate because it's such a difficult job.
7:02 I don't know what he was hauling, but it sure wasn't Weeble Wobbles.
What's with the news crawl at the bottom of the video? If I want news, I'll turn on my television.
2:04 seems like the rig was driving WAY too fast for that road. He ran the red and the truck turning left appeared to already be in the intersection so he had to turn on yellow/red
Uhhh, the disclaimer is really wrong, semi-truck accidents aren't as common as people think, and time on the road is tracked, drivers can only drive 11 hours a day, anything more is very uncommon as it's a massive fine. Most accidents are caused by careless motorists cutting off or brake checking them
Crazy people on the planet
Odd, but nearly every single accident I've witnessed involving a semi was the fault of the passenger car driving recklessly, and not the semi. Accidents involving a semi where the semi driver was truly at fault are rare, but drivers are frequently held responsible simply for two reasons: 1) semi trucks are required to carry massive insurance policies and 2)tickets against commercial vehicles are often 500% or more higher for the same infractions than for a car. In other words, it's in the best interests of a municipality to find the commercial vehicle at fault, both for the ticket they collect on, and for having insurance cover the damage to roads. This is also why state troopers are inclined to pull over a semi doing 60 in a 55 while ignoring passenger cars going 80+ on that same road. The truth is, truck drivers and trucking companies are getting screwed constantly, and being held liable for other motorists impatience and incompetence, and it's just become the status quo as the cost of doing business.
You assume all trucks weigh 80,000 lbs…. not….. that’s how heavy they can be legally…. most are well under that…. and DOT stats prove most truck wrecks involving other non trucks is caused by the other party?
Was that first trucker listening to “Redpill 78”?.
Incidentally XPO are the same here in the UK, tear arse fucking Neanderthals, one couldn’t get past me fast enough so decided to take the side of my truck out with the rear of his trailer on the way past.
Moral of the story is, don't try to avoid an accident, it only seems to create a larger accident.
There are many truck drivers out there who are caring, courteous, professional drivers with a lot of common sense. But AS A GAINFULLY EMPLOYED WORKING GROUP, I think truck drivers are the stupidest human beings on the face of the earth. Period.
Can't be bothered with the rolling news feed, added to my shit list.
8.10 what did he say lol
1:20 serves her dumb ass right for not knowing how to merge properly and expecting everyone else to accommodate her
Idk where you get your information from but take it from someone who drives a semi and has more miles driven in the past 3 years than you'll ever have in your life, your percentages are false.
2:10 is a perfect example why you should never try to take avoiding actions. You’ll end up in oncoming traffic.
Man I miss all your old videos…. You gotta re-upload them!!!
Or are they on your Patreon?
WTH was he thinking going through the drive thru his ?? is really cold now ?