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About the Author: JeffMara Podcast


  1. They lied I am born with a caul God created human body and then he gave us the privileged to recreate the flesh however he puts soul in orginial where half male and women straight down Adam and Eve where first souls created stood with creature of universe He is the only True God . Angels are real you just can’t see them they don’t allow it unless you can handle it and Hid gives the ok . Sometimes we can caught them some actually seen them and devils fallen . They are angels in race so this why you have different looks in souls When Adam Eve came down there Job was to get all souks to come back to garden so God could split them and make whole n spirit and make fresh out in . Many came back now souks look like his high ranking angels angels of God don’t shape shift they are what they are they look
    Like us but spirit form . The two angels who asked after to come to help them touched eves daughter and had sex with them and this giants he went ballistic and they where separated . Eve to daughters and children and these two angels where put in another area on earth not mingle with Adam and Eve or split souls , huge problem as these souls had half human and have angel dangerous abilities they had . She if dued might been somewhere in earth different levels and the fallen angels offsprings live there gave bases all way down in deep caves in core is where he’ll is it’s hot . They where messing with her if she was hospitalized they make holograms and they can make themselfs look human but not it’s hologram

  2. They are not aliens, they are demons in disguise. They did not create humans, God did that. These beings are lying to you so that you will not believe what The Bible says.

  3. "I saw Aliens.

    "And I said: 'Are you "Aliens"?'

    "And they said: 'Yes!'"


    Now, I ask you: if YOU saw "ALIENS"–would you need to stop and ask them if they "are ALIENS"???

  4. Face it. Logically WE are simply a biological experiment. The natural progression from the reptiles that inhabited this planet for over 160 million years.

  5. Had a similar experience at my wife parents house early in the morning two beings came into my room with a strange platter and i ask if they were aliens they said no we're your inlaws

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