Most Horrific Natural Disasters in world Caught On Camera | The world is praying for people!

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Most Horrific Natural Disasters in world Caught On Camera | The world is praying for people!
Hello everyone, Nature’s Rage is here. You will witness natural disasters around the world captured on camera. Our editorial team always complies with YouTube’s fair use policy to bring you information about disasters in a timely manner, fastest and most accurate
#MostHorrificNaturalDisasters #NaturalDisasters #Disasters #Nature’sRage


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About the Author: Nature's Rage


  1. Hurricane Ida (United States): In late August and early September, Hurricane Ida struck the U.S., resulting in massive flooding in New York and causing approximately $65 billion in damages—the largest natural disaster-related loss in the country in 2021

  2. Those folks running outside in the video reminds me of during the peak of Hurricane Ian at 150+ mph I ran out into the backyard to try to try save a shed that had torn loose and was rising into the air. I couldn't save the shed but then I realized I was being hammered by storm debris. I had to belly crawl back to the house. Storm debris hitting at 150 mph is like being punched by Mike Tyson at his peak — or so I imagine.

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