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We spent the night at the infamous MASON HOUSE in Bentonsport, Iowa, searching for signs of paranormal activity. The terrifying night took a dark turn when a familiar spirit came through to say hello, and this changed the course of not only our ghost hunt but of our entire lives. Get ready to get really spooky.
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:
Comment “HAUNTED HOTEL” and Like tonight’s video for a chance to win a FREE GIFT BAG!!
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They say when a person dies suddenly they don't realize they r dead &will come back to the last known place they were at &could not know there names, age, what they suddenly died of &they just keep reliving there lives likethey r still alive
haunted hotel – this one was sweet, Nona and all. I'm a bit of a skeptic, paramedic for past 25 years and counting….always surrounded by death….never experienced shit 🙁
please send the gift and be sure to add some spooky juice so I can also see the unseen.
God bless you and yours
ps: come explore South Africa, cape town….we shall house you
Wasn’t expecting to be sobbing at the end of this video. Such a beautiful experience for your family.
Truly amazing my wishes and love to you all and my your Nan Nona r.i.p this made my whole body chill up and got very emotional I felt like I was in the room with you all. ❤
Haunted Hotel!!
This is what I have a hard time understanding. Some spirits are claimed to be stuck in a place, some even stuck in a particular room and can’t leave, while other spirits can go anywhere. The ones who can roam, for instance like Nona, have they crossed over and those who are stuck in one place haven’t crossed over?
Haunted hotel
So beautiful guys. ❤
Happy mother's Day Mary
This has to be one of the best episodes EVER I’m crying like crazy…embrace the communication and love…and thank you thank you for playing AMAZING GRACE hands down my grandma and grandpas favorite song we played on our piano when I was growing up…much love from Spokane WA
I am crying at the end of this video. Very touching. ❤
Totally amazing and emotioally gripping, i felt your spiritual conne tion, this had to mean something special especially considering that what manifested for you was not what you were seeking but that hotel holds a special connection that can open up portals for for those that are living allowing spirits that are still with you that you were not realizing untill you together as a family in that realm had a collective energy that allowed the opportunity for your mother/grandmother to enter though and utilize the equipment t and have a two way conversation.
There are many mirrors in that house with many years of consistency and collective lessons from manty souls. That place has much more to show and tell and teach.
Haunted Hotel
I absolutely love mama Mary!❤ To me she just always feels so comforting and good, humbling and loving in every video, it warms my heart so much! She is such a true beautiful blessing and precious treasure Collin, please cherish every moment with her and your dad. I only pray and hope my two beautiful daughter's know and feel how much I love them and would go to the ends of Earth for them too. Much love & blessing to you all ALWAYS.🙏❤️
Haunted hotel
Amazing Grace was played at my Mother's funeral on the 'Bagpipes' because My Mum and I loved the Bagpipes, I also love the gospel song version of Amazing Grace sung by Elvis Presley. That part was truly touching for me. This video has been the best I have ever seen Colin, thank you so much for sharing this. That pic of Grandma Non in the black and white dress is so beautiful it will be etched in my memory. It was my own parents generation. I am 60 this year so the same generation as Mary & Geoff. The pic is at 2:50:37 in. I have captured it to my PC because it reminds me of my Mum who died when I was a young girl. Mary if you get to see this, you were so lucky to have grown up on a farm as I have always wanted a small farm with a cottage and a rose archway as you walk in to a beautiful flower garden. Roses are my favourite flower, especially the red roses. I do love flowers and my Dad always grew lots of different flowers because my Mum loved flowers too. In a way I did kind of grow up on a farm as my Dad had pigeons, rabbits, 2 ponds of fish, we also had a dog, a cat and a budgie plus an aquarium in the house, of course the cat and dog would go outside of the house. My Dad also had a green house and he grew lots of vegetables, tomatoes, cucumber, cauliflower flower, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, radishes, mint and rhubarb. There might be others but so long ago I can't remember. My Dad also built his own fences, greenhouse and shed. I know this has gone on so long but it's because it's brought memories back. So, I really hope you don't mind that I saved the pic of Nona, Mary. I even tagged her name and your name too Colin.
I lost my Nan two years ago last month. I would give anything to have that kind of interaction and to hear from her. I think that’s why I started watching you guys. Crying my eyes out watching this.
Colin how butiful. I'm tearing up for you and your family. Our loved ones stay with us. Just proves there is life after death. Thank you Colon for sharing.❤😊
Awww this made me emotional. It hit so close to home for you guys.What a special episode….
Love Jeff. Him sneaking off to eat peanuts to get a bit of energy during a long investigation. 😅 He's a classic. Jeff is the best.
I love your show you guys are so real and down to earth be safe, and God be with you in all of your explorations
“Who’s that young man?”
“I’m Connor, Colin’s brother in law.”
“He’s married!…. Hi Connor!”
So wholesome 🥰 your Nona was with you xxx
Colin's mom is 60 and his dad is 62? WTF they look like 50. Jesus they grew old really well.
Jeff was right, it said suidside.
I think they go by numbers not names?
The demon could be alian?
Alians mean foreign. Not from out of space but maybe another country or area.
Haunted hotel love your video it was amazing that u made contact with your mom's mom .
Ayyyy your sponsored now, maybe ive been watching older videos alot.
Well done Colin im so proud of you, ive watched you since your first videos ❤
Haunted Hotel
This is the most loaded spirit portal I have ever seen. Hats off to Nona she got her message through. She had me crying my eyes out when Nona said Mary & where am I ,and the Enchanted forest . This is single handedly most convincing ghost visitation I have ever seen.
This episode made me cry for you all, especially Mary! Soo happy Nona was there on Mother's Day ❤👆all!
Hauntedd hotel
1:43:28 “crack” yall got earlier yall got something about “unwanted cracks forming” or smthn along them lines.. almst suggests there’s a weakness in the spiritual armor that protects this place??
Cool how you found out who Francis is!
hi hi, thank you for sharing,. I have a few more videos ready for the weekend 🙂🫶✨️🇳🇱🛸🛸👽💗👻👻
Our love ones who have passed on are with us they watch over us you can feel them