Conspiracy Theories About Who Runs The World

Conspiracy Theories About Who Runs The World
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This is part 16 of my Ultimate Conspiracy Theory Iceberg series, a mega compilation of the top conspiracy icebergs on the web. I’ve alphabetized this collection of conspiracies to help eliminate duplicate entries as well as removing preconceived notions of obscurity or importance.

This is strictly for entertainment purposes. Nothing stated here should be taken literally or as factual. It’s safe to assume that the greater majority of these are impossible and/or completely fictional – although some have already occurred and are as factual as it gets. Some of these theories and speculations are so unbelievable, complex, or horrifying that it cannot and should not be taken as anything other than fictional entertainment.

You are highly encouraged to come to your own conclusions about subjects within this video (along with everything you consume online).


00:00 – Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff
01:29 – Illuminati
03:00 – Illuminati are the Good Guys
04:34 – Illuminati Blood Banks
06:07 – ILOVEYOU Hack
07:19 – Immortality by Digital
08:52 – Incorruptible Saints
10:18 – Incunabula
11:31 – Induced Amnesia Theory
12:57 – Infinite Zoom
14:19 – Inner Earth Sun
15:36 – Inorganic Beings
17:01 – Inside-out Earth
18:15 – Interdimensional Bigfoot
19:45 – Inunaki Village
20:52 – Inverted Humans
21:41 – Inverted Universe
22:34 – Iraq Stargates
23:34 – ISUKI
24:42 – Italian Languages and DNA Shaping Techniques
25:47 – Jeanne Calment Hoax
26:41 – Jesus Was a Magician
27:46 – Jews Conspiracies
28:44 – Jews Forced To Be in Power

Watch the part-by-part playlist here:

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Hollow Earth theory, Atlantis, Ancient aliens, UFO sightings, Area 51, Reptilian shapeshifters, New World Order, Illuminati conspiracy, Moon landing hoax, JFK assassination conspiracy, Chemtrails, Flat Earth theory, Mandela Effect, Project MKUltra, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Time travel conspiracy, Bermuda Triangle mystery, Denver Airport conspiracy, Bigfoot sightings, Loch Ness Monster, Cryptozoology, Roswell UFO incident, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, Freemasons conspiracy, Disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Nikola Tesla suppressed inventions, CIA mind control experiments, Shadow government conspiracy, Vaccine conspiracy theories, HAARP weather control, Nibiru/Planet X conspiracy, Georgia Guidestones, Simulation theory, Quantum immortality theory, Men in Black encounters, Roko’s Basilisk, Cicada 3301 mystery, Annunaki, Agartha, Agenda 21, Ancient glyphs on Saturn moons, Archons, Black knight satellite, Bloodletting magick, Bohemian Grove, CERN conspiracy, Celebrity cloning, Codex Gigas, COINTELPRO, Consciousness beamed from moon-base, Cosmic censorship, Crop circles, Crystal skulls, Cryptids, Dead internet theory, Dimensional jumping, Disappearance of Ettore Majorana, Dulce Base, Dyatlov Pass incident, Earth is bigger than the Sun, Elisa Lam’s death, Expanding Earth, Extraterrestrial life, Feral children, Fermi paradox, Finland doesn’t exist, Fluoride dangers, Free energy suppression, Gang stalking, Ghost hunting evidence, Giants, Glitch in the Matrix, GMO conspiracy, Greek sky phenomena, Grey goo, Harmonic convergence, Hopi Blue Star Prophecy, Human hunting, Hypnosis, Incorruptible saints, Intelligent design, Jack the Ripper, Jeanne Calment hoax, Kali Yuga, Kurt Cobain murder, Lake monsters, Large Hadron Collider, Lizard people, Lost civilizations, Lucid dreaming, Lunar wave, Majestic 12, Max Headroom incident, Mayan calendar and 2012, Men in Black, Mind control, Mothman, Naga Fireballs, Nazi UFOs, Number stations, Oak Island treasure, Occult knowledge, Ouija board, Oumuamua, Phantom time hypothesis, Polybius, Precognitive dreams, Project Blue Beam, Prophecies, Psychic warfare, Quantum entanglement, Rendlesham Forest incident, Reptilians, Rh-negative blood, Skinwalker Ranch, Skull and Bones society, Sleep paralysis, Spontaneous human combustion, Stargate Project, Subliminal messages, Taos Hum, Tesla’s death ray, The Black Knight satellite, The Chronovisor, The Denver Airport murals, The Dyatlov Pass incident, The Ganzfeld experiment, The Hutchison effect, The Mothman Prophecies, The Overtoun Bridge, The Tunguska event, The Voynich Manuscript, Time travel evidence, UFO abductions, Underground bases, Vimanas, Wormholes, Zodiac Killer identity


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About the Author: Maker


  1. Conspiracy-theory, or conspiracism, has it that much of the world today is to be understood in terms of ‘conspiracy’ be it by scientists, extra-terrestrials, masons, or whoever.

    Currently gaining credence among many is the idea that all accepted science is a conspiracy, for relativity theory and quantum physics are specialised subjects. Einstein is difficult to understand and the majority of us are not astrophysicists, or other types of scientist, but that is no reason to dismiss these theories.

    Conspiracy theory backs up the bourgeois myth of an evil human nature (‘Original Sin’ rehashed for the modern age). To paraphrase Karl Marx, the morality of a given age is the morality of its ruling class. The cut-throat values of the capitalist class have us believing in a human cut-throat nature in which everyone is a potential conspirator, a potential thief, a potential brigand. Thus an ideology of brigandage, sustained by the viciously competitive nature of capitalism, leads people to see their fellow beings as either real or potential brigands.

    Conspiracism reduces everything to a school playground view wherein everything is viewed as the
    machinations of some cartoon-like gang independent of history. Those who attempt to spread conspiracy theory do a disservice to the cause of achieving a better world, by further confusing already confused workers and by giving ammunition to those who label socialists as cranks and claim capitalism to be the end of history.

    The mass of people must face reality, embrace knowledge, and recognise for what it is the ridiculous zealotry known as conspiracy theory. Emancipation from the system of wage-slavery, poverty, prices and profits requires a grasp of social history and of social and natural realities.

  2. There is only one theory and j- uhm, I mean YouTube gets mad if you talk about it. I personal believe there a difference between the one that hidde behind it but there are many good regular ones just not real fun to be around.

  3. Too many confuse the freemasons, the independent order of fellowship and illuminati.. all 3 of which are verifiable groups none of which go without becoming part of twisted narratives created by those needing someone to blame

  4. if anyone's interested in digital immortality as a concept, there's an amazing animated show called 'pantheon'. it's really good! (and the occasional horror imagery is gorgeous.)

  5. "Supporters often cite ancient myths and legends from various cultures… as evidence for this concept." Ancient myths and legends aren't evidence of anything at all except that ancient cultures believed them.

  6. Uuuuuum….hellio " world runners" question : but how are some of you going to continue to keep getting wealthy if we're becoming poorer? Due to no fault of our own…

  7. There's no need for "conspiracy theories" on this topic. Obviously humanity within civilization does not function in any way remotely similar to any species in nature. Equally obviously, civilization is not an outgrowth of the natural human order of existence, but of what not only ISN'T that, but exists in direct contradiction and opposition to and rebellion against it. Civilization corrupts the things of nature and creates its own aberrant forms from it. It brought about the rise of disease amongst mankind, and its violating effects are as easily confirmed for just about anybody as merely considering whether or not their wisdom teeth were able to grow in just like the rest of their molars, as the deformation of the jaw of civilized man, and literally all chronic conditions, are, provably, products of the propagation of an unnatural, malnourishing diet within civilization. The entire world system is indisputably the ultimate supra-conspiracy, but because the overwhelming majority are of approximately the same lack of inclination as the psychopaths responsible toward the natural way of things – not to mention what is conscientious and just – they are unbothered by it, just as they were undoubtedly willing participants in the sacrificial practices of the pagan cults of centuries and millennia ago founded by those same psychopaths and therefore bore the guilt of it along with them, with decent people being the ones who were primarily persecuted by such systems, just as they are now.

  8. im pretty sure beyonce said something about "girls" running the world. didnt do much research past that though. definitely something to look into.

  9. You really can’t tell who runs the world. For all we know it can be literal aliens. At the top of the pyramid is unknown anyone who says they know doesn’t because if they did they wouldn’t tell you. Normal people have no clue. Even people at the top don’t know. If you knew anything you would literally get killed. It’s that serious. Even for small things you would get killed like information through the grapevine. No one knows and it’s good that way.

  10. Your rate of uploads is amazing I appreciate you very much, I do not know what I would do without a new video as often as you post them, it seems as if as soon as I'm out of something to watch, boom , maker has posted more conspiracies that are obscure and uncommon, unlike most other conspiracy icebergs I come across

  11. Shallow materialistic self serving ppl try to use tools they have no ability to undetstand..
    Baps will take his own, solve or goagula. Both horrific to uninitiated. Worry not, so there will be less to worry.
    "We are such things dream are made off"
    "To the Dark Tower Childe Roland came"
    "Tyger, Tyger in the Dark,
    In the Forest of the Night"
    Make of this what you Will, as u should. I will post in some Void as such comments, as I can't but must open to someone..
    Like Makers Vids.
    Sry the incoherence to most, can't be helped in digital com, sum & inv such as this.
    I hardly know wtf I''m supposed to mean when I say words.

  12. Get a mirror and bring it to a river with a shallow stream. Now eat some psilocybin mushrooms and when they kick in you hold the mirror just under the surface of the water. Look at it without staring. Sort of how you look at those 3d pictures .
    Now if you are lucky you might encounter an inorganic being.

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