They Called Him A Mop But He Just Wanted A Home ❤️#animalshorts #dog #doglover

They Called Him A Mop But He Just Wanted A Home ❤️#animalshorts #dog #doglover
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This mop, I mean – this dog was discovered by a couple walking home. They noticed the poor creature and decided to call the animal hospital nearby but it was already closed so they called another but they were closed as well, as it was late at night.

The couple decided that they must not leave the poor dog. So the boyfriend ran to the store to get some treats for the dog. Afraid that the dog may run away if they approach him, they could only watch until there was food to lure the dog towards them.

The stray dog had a collar around its neck so it’s likely a pet that has been abandoned by humans. The poor dog probably thought the woman would leave too because humans always leave him. So he began walking away. He was slow because he was tired and weak.

Thankfully, the man returned just in time and they were able to give the dog some food. The poor dog was going to take the plastic bag with the food and run but he was too weak to accomplish the task. Hearts breaking for the stray puppy, they took the puppy into their car. When they picked up the puppy however, they noticed that the dog was all bones. It seemed that he had been starving for a long time.

At home, they already have two pets. A dog and a cat who were curious about their new friend. They give the dog some food and you could see how grateful the puppy was.

The next morning, they took the dog to the vet who gave him a shave and made him look like a new dog. The dog fur was all matted so they couldn’t save it. The vet told the couple that the dog was healthy, there was no disease. It’s just that the dog was too malnourished and a bit afraid. So they took the dog home and gave the dog a lot of love and food.

With time, the dog recovered. You’ll never believe that it was the same dog just by looking at the before and after pictures of this dog rescue mission. But at last, the rescue transformation was a success.

The dog’s fur have grown back and he is now a healthy good boy who likes to take walks. Do you think the couple did the right thing saving this stray dog?


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About the Author: Wholesome Animals


  1. I’ve been picking up strays now and then for a some decades now: one even went from my home State Sarawak, East Malaysia to the Netherlands with her new owners after their contract job in the O & G business was completed. God Almighty will BLESS you both for what you did for His Creation! Amen! 🙏🙏🐕👍🤣🥰🥰

  2. The LORD loves those people who have love and compassion towards other human beings and his other creations.
    The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY said that he will punish and destroy all those who have destroyed the world and do not stop doing evil deeds towards the LORD and towards other people and animals.

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