Penguinz0 ridiculous karens compilation – part 2

Penguinz0 ridiculous karens compilation - part 2
Spread The Viralist

These are the cringiest karens of All time

00:00 wierd airplane freakout
09:56 fighting over mcdonald’s pokemon cards
17:05 horrible babysitter
27:33 most delusional influencer ever
43:33 this tiktok star just ruined her career
52:54 worst hotel guest ever


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About the Author: critikal compilations


  1. I heard that she was just yelling at her sister because her sister took her airbuds and wouldn't give them back. No big woop. People love to make mountains out of molehills.

  2. The airplane freak outs are so baffling to me lol. I could see it if it was like the Malaysian airline plane that vanished without a trace but the freak outs are literally the entirety of the situation. Nothing else happens the plane goes on without a hitch and everybody is ok lol I don't get it

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