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About the Author: kaka v420


  1. This video has some of the best editing I've seen in a WHILE. It's kinda sad seeing so many people who others held in high regard be exposed for being pedos but I guess they had it coming. Great vid!

  2. Honestly i feel bad for Koofy, he made a mistake, though disgusting and unjustifiable, unlike other youtubers he actually tried to reform himself, turn himself into a better person and change his life which in my opinion, a great achievement in itself, im not supporting anything Koofy's done in the past or his actions but i believe if someone has gone this long without repeating past mistakes and doesn't deny but accept and try to improve oneself from them, maybe Koofy deserves a second chance as even when he was confronted he didn't deny it but accepted it, so maybe we should give Koofy a chance

  3. This is actually sad to see. I loved to watch Koofy as the vids which were roasts were similar to the style of the pink skeletons roasting pngtubers like jellybean and meowbahh.

  4. kaka why did you betrayed him we loved u 2 u 2 was like a really good couple (as youtuber) i can understant that u meant it for good ut sometimes it just hurts others
    i dont want to be mean

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