TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #283 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024.
Welcome to a hilarious journey through the workplace where total idiots at work turn a regular day into a comedy show. Enjoy this unique blend of funny fails and surprising moments, perfect for family viewing on your TV.
This compilation captures every slip, trip, and blunder that defines a bad day at work, making it impossible not to laugh. As we delve deeper, these total idiots at work provide a masterclass in what not to do, offering both fun and instant regrets.
So, gather your family, tune in, and prepare for an hour of laughs and light-hearted chaos. Let’s dive into this amusing adventure together. Ready, set, let’s go!
01:34 idiots at work
14:56 instant regret fails
25:42 fails compilation
37:11 total idiots at work
✅ Playlist:
★ Total Idiots At Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv3wyakljWaQtAxWKAlP9RV4
★ 1 Hour of Total Idiots at Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv0GX5xhoJWFeZuo0TdqCfAq
★ Bad day at work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv2i1hnQ3BPlOsXfdgWhVex2
Video Total Idiots at Work are for educational and entertainment purposes; all content complies with YouTube guidelines, and no one was injured in the making of these videos.
Copyright Disclaimer:
The material in this video was collected from many places. It belongs to people and organizations who deserve to be respected.
Copyright Disclaimer Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that uses.
For copyright matters, please contact us at: IDWIdiot99@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
#idiotsatwork #instantregrets #fails #idw
Our best content is waiting for you!
Great videos but the lame commentary is not needed!
omg, those idiots 😂
the ladder fails are epic
instant karma lol
summer fails FTW
lol, so funny 😂
mostly just idiots. i only saw 2 work situations.
at work and this video is a lifesaver, the fails are so funny, thanks for sharing
love the summer fails, great for a laugh, just wish the transitions were smoother
the comments and effects are cool but the real star is the girl fails
some of the audio is a bit off but the ladder fails make up for it
instant regrets are my fav, especially the car fails, great content
can't get enough of these hilarious fails, so fun to watch, keep it up
the ladder fails are top-tier comedy, learned a few safety tips too
12:15 that girl fail was pure gold, had to rewind it a couple of times
summer fails never disappoint, so many funny moments in this vid
lol, the idiots in car segments are priceless, had me laughing hard
Great video!
0:50, that fail was epic, couldn’t stop laughing, fantastic edit!
keep these hilarious videos coming, they're the best part of youtube
your ability to find the funniest clips is uncanny, always spot on
it's like every video is a surprise party of fails, love it
these videos are the highlight of my day, always something to look forward to
2:20, omg that was not good for him but hilarious for us
never seen fails done better, this channel masters it
always impressed by the hilarious outcomes, how do you do it?
this channel is my daily dose of laughter, so fun every time
10:55, that was a classic, laughed till my sides hurt
Belle putaclick !
I appreciate your content! Thanks for the laughs."
01:53, nice jump, so cute
Sorry for speak spanish. Min 15:25. El sonido que se oye en un garage solitario, es el de uno de los muelles, que sirven para subir la puerta, soltandose de su enganche, estan en una barra horitzontal en lo alto de la puerta. Me parece ver que es el de la izquierda de la imagen el que se suelta.