In today’s video, I find an abandoned house that once belonged to a fish keeper, but after they died all of their stuff was left in the house… INCLUDING THEIR FISH! So I searched the creepy house at night in search of these fish, and after finding empty fish bowls and a beta fish, I found a room FILLED with fish tanks! The fish tanks were all filled with green water and the fish were barely alive and wouldn’t live much longer without my help! So I netted out all of the fish I could including cichlids, gourami, angelfish, albino plecos, goldfish, oscars, AND MORE! But things took a turn when we started hearing creepy sounds inside of the house, as we found a MONSTER arowana, gar, and ripsaw catfish living inside of the green slime water! We took back all of the crazy fish we saved and put them into my backyard ponds where they will have a second chance at life! Should we go back and see what’s living in the pond?
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⏹ Promotion inquiries: Esmamanagement@gmail.com
⏹Business email: bassfishermanguy@gmail.com
I can’t believe all the fish that were left in this abandoned house! Who’s excited for the part 2?
Name of the angel fishes are Angela/Angelo
you're going to need me for anything that you want me to donate me or not I will just need a few days to get the stuff done and then I'll be able to go 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
do something like this with the new one
I am very excited 😊 and I am very interested in this opportunity
I will try to call 📞 this afternoon but if you don't have a phone I
Davis George Thomas Helen Hall Patricia
Maybe names could be Rosie,Rose,Harry Andrew lily Ryan Ruby milly Robin Ross
He’s a good guy for saving the fish 🐟
Oh yeah
Garcia Matthew Miller Larry Wilson Scott
U. Have. To give him. Clean water
මට මේක හම්බුනානම්.
මම ලංකාවේ.gar LKR 5000ක්
Oh my gosh 9:56
Oh my gosh
I'm not that Fish giy
Me ni the 2024
I like the creepy house is so creepy it's so cool I want a pet fish just like you guys you have a lot of fish in that building you put in a in a pond
Me 2:30
Bro screams like zenistu from demon slayer💀💀💀💀💀
Go to a abandoned house and sewer and stay in a sewer for 49 hours
A lot OK Billy Milly on Lily Milo Landon Landon Yo Zoe bowl fat Rosie no we have Rosie on Emma those are all the names I hope you like all the names lol the names OK and sometimes some of the names are made up
Behind u
I saw a black spiky hand
He told the Cockroach "Get back we have a gun", lol …
a gun?
L love your videos😊