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Things that are cute only when dogs do it
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BEST CUBE Compilation – UNUSUAL MEMES #292
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About the Author: Admin
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If your dog doesn’t come and burp in your face after they eat, how would you know they enjoyed it
Right !!! Love the snoring !!!

The stalking is hilarious.
Dogs are so cute, so they can get away with just about anything.
Yeah I’ll say

I have no tolerance for people
Little dog is tiring big dog out.
Omg!!!! Please add me to the club!!!

Yes. These are all adorable doggie habits
Even if they do they are stinky cute I had experience with glodes too they a lot
And Drooling

So cute I like them cuties

So cute
Oh my god! You’re spot on! I love, love, love all of these things that dogs do
. Humans… aarghh no!
Snoring is annoying even when dogs do it when I'm trying to sleep
but with them we just have to adjust their head's position a little and they stop snoring haha
Yes, very true.
Best video! Made my day!!
YAY! I love Daisy and Maple! They are so much like my two goldens! (Unfortunately, my older 10 y/o golden has lung cancer pretty severely so your videos bring me joy during this hard time.) Thank you for your content!

Stealth mode Daisy gets me everytime

Memories….my best friend has been gone 3 years, Dec 7, i miss here daily….she loved carrots…RIP Dakota Lynn
It's really so cute

My baby burp in my dad’s face only for him to continue hugging and playing with her.
They’re cute 24 hours a day!

Ignore this comment as this is a personal msg for someone
For Mel
Good evening, babe

Hugs and kisses

I love you so much and endlessly

Who would be annoyed with those beady eyes and upside down smile?
I just a Baby…lol
Daisy stalking is so beautiful
This so true!

Adorable! Love the chewing with mouth open, carrot bits all over, lol.

I love how these started out quite mild then suddenly turned into creepy psychopathic killer vibes

This is absolutely true

I love this video and you girls tell people it's not bad manners it's good food .thanks mom 

My Golden Retriever would burp in response of me or my mom talking to her.

All true
The burping was personal
The burping is so funny and cute
The 2 cuties

They just a baby!
I never really thought of that until now, it really did annoy me sometimes when a human did all this but when my golden did it i couldnt stop laughing!

Ahhh… now we know that "Baby Sharky" enjoys munching on

to sharpen her wittle
Love those girls