Hey all! Welcome to Loss Control #24 – BEAMNG DRIVE video!
Loss control is about car losing control in some high speeds. This video obtains traffic crashes, high speed crashes, police car crashes and a lot of more 😉
Next video on Sunday – Car Overtaking Crashes
BeamNG.drive is a realistic, immersive driving game offering near-limitless possibilities. Our soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in realistic, dynamic behavior.
The driving feel is authentic and visceral, and crashes are realistic and violent; yet the physics are accessible enough to drive with a keyboard or gamepad while still being authentic with a full racing wheel with uncompromising realism.
Get BeamNG.Drive – www.beamng.com
– https://beamngtv.com/about/
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DISCORD – https://discord.gg/SFr2sYe
PC Specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB
My Favorite BeamNG Youtubers:
SmashChan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-7YZ_1NISX4_vuAZUtD5yA
Crashboompunk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN1i5mDtOx0m_3Z18WsSibA
Crash Driven: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHt7kFA9rL3MQ9OjTkwTjmg
Kryton: https://www.youtube.com/user/jaimswallace
BeamNG Pro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXC3bB5hQzpRT1fFS0vcWcQ
Serginko: https://www.youtube.com/user/jakubsergio
Mods: All of the mods can be found here, others are private and I´m not allowed to publish them!! Accept it please 🙂 The rest of the mods are easy to find here !!!!!
New Zeland Skins: https://beamng.com/resources/ec-111-new-zealand-civil-liveries.8105/
Apex Expansion Pack: https://beamng.com/resources/apex-expansion-pack.3182/
Ultimate Configuration Pack: https://beamng.com/resources/ultimate-configuration-pack.2981/
Matrix Freeway: https://beamng.com/threads/matrix-freeway.12567/
Garfield Heights: https://beamng.com/resources/garfield-heights.1557/
Latemodel: https://www.beamng.com/threads/late-model-stock-car-lmsc.45161/
AKRON SPEEDWAY – https://beamng.com/threads/akron-motor-speedway-reworked.53537/
Fait One police skins pack : https://beamng.com/resources/fait-one-police-skins-pack.2852/
The Mystery Machine: https://beamng.com/resources/the-mystery-machine.9337/
Hey guys! Welcome to Loss Control #24 – BEAMNG DRIVE ?
Hope you guys are having great Friday?
Next video on Sunday – Car Overtaking Crashes Compilation #10 – BeamNG.Drive 😉
Subscribe for more videos ??
Veja meus vídeos coloque meu nome e deixe seu joinha blz
This is not like a real crash
Ghost rider?
Hi BeamNGTV I checked the traffic is working on offroad yes it is
What's the name of the map at 2:07? Please.
great beambg drive
Amazing work every new video is a joy to watch!?
Great video mate your one of the few beamNG youtubers who I watch regularly
5:30 nice cut??
various car crashes wow nice great ????
0:53 I love that car
I❤loss kontol crashes
Always love the lost of control videos, keep up the great work as always!
5:32 sheesh!!! The whole front end got destroyed
A great video, glad to see another one!
3:41 nice physicc
Pěkné videjko 🙂
Hey BeamNg TV Nice work and nice video
Liked, Subscribed, And Shared
Also Give Me A Mod Giveaway
v pohode videjko ale prečo si ho netočil s volantom ?
Hey m8 great video again good to see you again as always
Good video for the next emergency stories video do about an stolen truck police chase i send the video in messenger mr beamng tv
Nice video
Very nice ??
Nice video!
The thumbnail is amazing too 😀
Hello! Nice video!
Κάθε μέρα
You the best
5:30 this is…. BEAUTFULL
I'll never text and drive AGAIN
Great one! 3:41 epic physics :DD