I stumbled across this guy’s account and he’s pretty incredible – check him out for more content! @TenSecondSongs
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#JacksonGalaxy #Cat #Advice
My Cat is an Alien is epic. Me and my granddaughter rock out to it often.
I loved it when Jackson went from bullhorns to devil horns 😂
this is right up my alley omg
As a metalhead and a cat lover this is heaven
Overwhelmed by the big cat daddy energy here! 😻
SO catchy and the most innocent song ever! LOVE IT!! I need that in full version and on one of the music sources so I can add it to my playlist! 🤣
the headbanging! 😂🤘
My cat goes ballistic if I try and touch his feet. 😂
I really like the one he made about cuteness aggression. That one is really good
I love this guy❤!!🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🐈🐈🐈😻
Now that's heavy metal I could get into 😂
Love it!!!🎤🎤🎤
Toe beans are everything
Head banger music about toe beans.😎😺😽😻
I literally laughed until I cried…😂
He is amazing I love his ig. Helped me get out of my depression when I’m being antisocial and don’t want to move. He speaks to the teen me where I was a emo kid and fan of rock and metal.
Oh. Your pills???😊
I absolutely love you ❤
Awesome ❤❤
I too am a kittie rocker toe bean lover!!! 😂❤❤❤🤘🤘🤘
When I play with my sweetie's toe beans, she gives me kisses. 😽
Luv it😂
I’m so glad I’m not the only one out here writing songs I sing to my cats. I haven’t started adding instruments… yet
Music video, Jackson and his cats 🐈
If I was a teenager with a limited attention span, then I might like this 'Short' format. But, then again I would probably turn to Tic Tok NOT YouTube. However, since I am an adult with a Normal attention span I tend to avoid Tic Tok. I also can't imagine why YouTube feels that they MUST compete with a Chinese company which is heavily restricted in it's own country and convince it's creators to gear down their content just to attract young teens, You are better than that, well, at least I thought that you were!!!
I will miss your content if you continue to clog up my notifications with these 'Shorts'!!!
Unexpected. Toe beans.
Cleaver Rock and CA combo
I'm dying!!!
😮😬😳.. WOW
this was excellent
Omg thank you Mr. Jackson!! New sub to Anthony's channel. Great songs!
Pre-cats i would have never understood this! If you know you know 😹😹
Lol omg 😱
I love metal and cats thissss is a win winnnnn
Never clip the claws.
They shed on their own.
No one watching this owns furniture worth sh!t so don’t pretend you’re clipping your cat’s claws in order to protect your Louis IVX couch.
He's amazing. Cute Aggression is the best
Two greats! 2023!
Dear Lord… what next 🙄
I'm dyin'! 🤣🤣🤣❤❤
Hey, is this song available on Spotify?!
Oh great! Now I have "Gimme those toe beans" going over & over in my head.
Didn't know I needed this.
He has a cameo I believe so you can make him sing your own lyrics
That loving look the cat gave his human! You can tell it's not a one-sided relationship 😍
I love this so much