Caught on camera: Utah teen saves choking friend with Heimlich maneuver during school lunch

Caught on camera: Utah teen saves choking friend with Heimlich maneuver during school lunch
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WEST JORDAN, Utah — A West Jordan middle school student is alive today thanks to what his friend remembered from health class.

During lunch at West Jordan Middle School, Jackson Johnson began to choke on his chicken sandwich and struggled to breathe.



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About the Author: FOX 13 News Utah


  1. My sister almost died choking on a piece of steak at the dinner table …she stopped making noise and my mom was panicking asking if she should call 911 while im screaming HEIMLICH!!!!!! and my step dad stepped in and gave it to her 😅 I knew what to do but im glad my step dad understood the assigment 😅

  2. Today i choked my food then i was like its ok bring it back up from the throat, guess what it didn't come up then like 5 seconds later , i tought that was my last moment of life , adernline took over me and i rushed to my mom i didnt even know what i was doing i just ran , and my mom saved me 👏. Grateful for having her as a mom ❤ , choking is scary

  3. I saw someone who had just died from a piece of candy getting stuck in their windpipe because nobody knew what to do. I was with a fire fighter and trained EMT in the next room so someone came asking for help but we got there too late. A whole room of adults watched. Recognize the signs of choking and learn the Heimlich maneuver!

  4. this one time happened to me while eating with my family and they were just watching me choke to death, so I had to pull it out of my throat myself… It wasn't that deep in my throat but still bruh

  5. Overused. Just drinking some water will clear up the passage way. Most of the time. Not really choking as in losing breath. Just your body's attempting to remove the obstruction coughing or vomiting. Only problem is the body's overreaction. And, the panic that sets in because we're not used to feeling anyway like that.

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