The Most Shocking Extreme Heat Disasters | Code Red Compilation | Earth Stories

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Under just the right conditions, a small spark can turn into a raging wildfire. As climate continues to change and temperatures keep rising, fires have become more unpredictable. Similarly, volcanoes can be seemingly slow or violently fast, hidden underwater, or out in the open on the edge of a city. They are extremely dangerous and can erupt at anytime without warning. Both of these extreme heat disasters have the ability to change the course of human history. Can we prepare better for these ever-present dangers?

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  1. interesting how the costs of all these disasters whether man made or natural are only measured in human loss and financial cost and no credence is given to the loss of habitat or life of wildlife. The hubris of human beings.

  2. I have seen that happen, people told to stay in the building while the bloody thing burns. What madness is that? I would never listen and be out of there the minute I know there is a fire. Like crowd controllers that always cause incidents and crowd crushes because they herd people like cattle into confined spaces, never trust an authority like that who got some 6 week certificate that gives them free reign over others with a high viz vest and a lanyard making them look important and exercising power over others. Bah humbug!

  3. A causa de todas estas catástrofes, é culpa do próprio ser humano ! infelizmente a falta de consciencia e de compreenção dos ignorantes estão causando a extinção dos seres humanos!!

  4. This has nothing to do with climate change. Like president Trump said "you got to sweep and clean your floors," meaning that you have to clear the under brush, and clear out the dead trees. The tree hugging traitors are opposed to that and this is why we have massive forest fires.

  5. Dear folks, kindly, you'd do more for mother earth by returning to church on Sunday and give mother earth a day of rest and give yourself one too than going full speed 24/7 . Earth, thermodynamics , entropy , '' though the heavens and earth pass away, my word shall not pass away but all be fulfilled. are at play . The proper name for climate change is actually called '' The Signs of the Times'' . The Lord God Almighty has warned that after rejecting Him, '' then comes the voice of lightning and thunder , tempests, earthquakes in divers places, oceans heaving beyond there bounds, wars and rumors of wars, famine, disease etc;; '' I admonish you to read the Book of Mormon for yourselves , and see if it really is '' the Sealed Book '' Isaiah spoke of for our time in Isaiah chapter 29 0f the old testament and see for yourself if it is ''a marvelous work and wonder '' as Isaiah said. Best wishes and Prayers.

  6. Japan abondoning their own civilians is no surprise, jap 123, sickening, Americans were willling to land and help when the 747 was found but Japan has too much Government bureaucracy. Oh they set up tents while everyone was dying in agony! Goodforuhay

  7. We are Moran's people stupid stupid. Why can't we just take all our water dropping aircrafts and drop water thru out the year long .water the Forrest's when they had none long time. We could water all our Forrest's like that. It would be not so difficult. avoid all that crybaby shit . They say 1 oz ounce of prevention is a pound of curee. Shure looks like it be a lot less work.might use a lot of Petro planes helicopters.. just water water .This could be a full time job 9-5 . Hey you can say I want to be a Forrest waterboy. when I grow smart not hard. Industrialization cave us equipment to help ease labor. Help the earth too.

  8. What really frightens me is the amount of heat being absorbed by the ocean, cause there's huge quantities of a chemical – methane hydrate, if the water heats up by about a degree or a bit more, it will bubble up, and really boost global warming

  9. California's Carr Fire in 2018 spawned an EF3 tornado (I wonder about that rating) that sucked the asphalt of a road off the dirt, knocked down transmission towers, lifted a roof off a house and killed its occupants, killed another firefighter with flying roof tiles, and "slabbed" some houses like tornadoes do in the midwest, leaving nothing but the bare concrete slab foundation, whereas normally fires leave piles of ashes and burned ruins.

    We've had a few other firenadoes as well, including a couple caught on film now. None before 2015. I've seen two fire whirls during the 27 years I've lived here, but that's new.

  10. We in the United Kingdom, here in the so called 'green and pleasant land' of England; recently endured a whopping 40 degrees Celsius heat-wave (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Some of you may not think much to that, but in the past it was rare to see temperature above about 32 or 33 degree Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) in a heat-wave here. There were houses on fire in London and the fire services couldn't cope. They had to turn the freezers off in the shops, because they were making equipment over-heat, and people and animals were dying! All the rivers and lakes were almost totally dried to a prune. Now I have to think about the fact that it is going to get a lot worse!!!!

  11. @Jackie Laird: I'm sorry to tell you that you asked a really silly question. Lava hitting the water is not technically an explosion. It is caused by the contact of a super-hot substance and a relatively cold substance. You can test this yourself. It is easiest if you have a gas stove but lacking that you can simply use any item that will create a steady flame. Put on heavy heat-resistant gloves, goggles and a water-proof apron. Hold a piece of silverware in the gas flame until it starts to glow. Have a large bowl of water ready. Cold water is best but not too cold or you will get an uncontrollable burst. Once your silverware glows dunk it into the water. You will get a huge plume of steam and the water will boil and spray upward. That is why you need protection. You have just created a magma flow into the ocean.

  12. Crazy that the GVT officials evacuated surrounding areas for the toxins in the air.
    Meanwhile in Ohio it is deemed safe to go back to your home after hazardous chemicals are contaminating everything…
    Don't forget to mask up for the flu though!

  13. Nothing new here, nature always looks for equilibrium, fires are a natural process of the forest management by nature, humans continue to want to stop the natural processes of the world , here’s a ingenious idea, stop building your homes in the forests, manage the dead undergrowth and you may lesson some of those so-called wild fires.

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