Garp’s Galaxy Divide puts Pizarro in his place in Episode 1122.
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Monkey D. Luffy refuses to let anyone or anything stand in the way of his quest to become the king of all pirates. With a course charted for the treacherous waters of the Grand Line and beyond, this is one captain who’ll never give up until he’s claimed the greatest treasure on Earth: the Legendary One Piece!
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Watch episode 1122 here! got.cr/cc-opei1122
They had a Ice man, Invisible man, Island man, Gigantic man and a lot of man.
Garp's strategy was simple: keep attacking
Talk about a splitting headache
Now I know why Gods Valley is no more 😅
One Piece is now officially Dragon Ball
Garp becomes new idol, after his skills showed off
Now I want to see Garp vs Xebec.
0:46 Garp: You doesn't seem to understand, The One Piece isn't yours to Conquer
Garp is the greatest Marine ever
Our first introduction to garp with Luffy complaining about how hard he hits.
25 years.. worth every second spent watching, rewatching, and rewatching agian.
Man back at marineford garp will destroyed WB
I need to see a fight with Garp vs Roger.
Epic 🥹
Aokiji = one punch down and how he slide through the city.
Take your time Oda 💪
Spam galaxy go face akainu :))
How the hell did Don Chinjao compete with prime Garp?
lotsa colors and effects but WB splitting Marineford in half was still more impressive. Garp just did surface damage.
Garp use Kaioken
Garp punched so hard i tot he was the main character
Man the musics adds so much to this! What is it tho? Does anyone know the title?
Garp's punch is a bomb. After seeing this just imagine how strong was Garp during his prime 😁
I very sure that's a build
but im too stupid to know it
Garp looks weak here. on the level of brook / chopper
Go watch eroeh x version and thank me later.
Garp went super saiyan
One piece is becaming so stupid. Dragon ball level….