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About the Author: Kaos Riders


  1. The front brake is your BESTFRIEND….never ever jab it 🤦‍♂️please everyone learn trail breaking an understand what it means to load the front end. This is such a common fuck up with new riders!!

  2. …….Is there any biker here who has backed off their front brake so far that it can't screw them up? I would set my street bike up so the front brake is just for emergency stops…it would have just a smidge of disc gripping power. I'd rather drag my rear wheel now and then , than have a front brake death lever.

  3. Pay attention to Ohiobackroads, thats how you handle an "incident" yea the first reaction is to blurt out some shit but then realize that no harm-no foul and no sense ruining your ride and move on, no need to go chew the cagers ass or let them know they were on camera, maturity is damn rare in these videos.

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