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Half of these people went down because they don't know how to ride a bicycle lol
Fun to watch,surprised people would post these, speeding and poor riding.
Dude had no idea how to use the mini fire extinguisher he had lol
A bunch of idiots that’s what caused most of those accidents
most of these were from speeding or target fixation plus a stop sign runner in the mix!!
turned too hard
I would appreciate a brief warning of animal collisions
Giving dude the finger and almost runs into the back of a truck lol
3:08 cant corner like that on off-road tires
90% have no idea what they are doing and risk their life so much.. please learn how to ride safely and never go beyond your limits
People with no steering dampers and unset suspension, this is why you get wobbles. Bad tires can also ruin your day with one ☠️
'Zaddy rides' like a c**t.
Zaddy can't ride.
The front brake is your BESTFRIEND….never ever jab it 🤦♂️please everyone learn trail breaking an understand what it means to load the front end. This is such a common fuck up with new riders!!
– Want me to call 911?
– No .. call my mom
– alright
The common factor in these clips is that they were filming.
I suggest not filming
Phucking thief .. thumbs down old stolen video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lotsa front brake grabs in this video!!
Damn ain't it obvious? She went down because she's a woman on a motorsycle and that just ain't right.
The guy who couldn't get his car extinguisher going…
Surprised people can be this bad at riding
Yeah even on non motorized bikes you NEVER wanna use the front brake. Trust me I learned the hard way 😅
Wet roads increase motorcycle crashes.
…….Is there any biker here who has backed off their front brake so far that it can't screw them up? I would set my street bike up so the front brake is just for emergency stops…it would have just a smidge of disc gripping power. I'd rather drag my rear wheel now and then , than have a front brake death lever.
0:20 The rider grabbed the front brake with the throttle still open…
Many riders have zero business on a motorcycle.
3:20 😂
A lot of bikers doing dumb things in this compilation…
7:11 where on the fucking planet are drivers this bad, tell me so i can avoid it.
is wild how most of the crashes are when cornering
Pay attention to Ohiobackroads, thats how you handle an "incident" yea the first reaction is to blurt out some shit but then realize that no harm-no foul and no sense ruining your ride and move on, no need to go chew the cagers ass or let them know they were on camera, maturity is damn rare in these videos.
Two wheel therapy is using his bike for anything, but therapy.
Get ahead, get a hat.
Dude is going 35 in a 50 yet complains about tailgating 💀
8:00 cry baby he could at least try to put down the fire but he was just crying lol