Check out the Most AMAZING And Touching Animal Rescues! From stray dogs rescued from animal shelters to touching stories of animals saved from a bad situation, this top 10 list of humans saving animals will amaze you!
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8. 375 Cats Saved From Slaughterhouse
In Tianjin, China last December, a heartbroken young man contacted China Animal Protection Power (CAPP), an animal rescue organization that was formed with help from Humane Society International (HSI). His cat had disappeared, and he suspected that it was stolen for China’s cat meat trade.
7. Rangila
Dancing bears are typically captured as cubs or born into captivity. They’re trained to “dance” using cruel methods, such as having a searing hot rod pierced through their nose and a chain attached to the piercing, so the trainer can have maximum control of the animal. There’s no practical reason for dancing bears – they’re used for entertaining crowds in the streets.
Belén and Tristan are cycling enthusiasts from the Netherlands who had long dreamed of riding down the Pamir Highway through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Intent on fulfilling their shared goal, the couple set out on the Pamir Highway in July of 2018.
5. Rafah Zoo Rescue
In April of this year, over 40 animals were rescued from the Rafah Zoo in war-torn Gaza by the animal welfare organization Four Paws International. As the war went on, the Rafah Zoo became known as a “zoo of horrors” due to its appalling and ever-worsening conditions. During difficult times for humans it is easy to forget about animals.
4. Cheeto the Dog
After residents of Wamba, Texas first noticed a dog with a plastic cheese puff container stuck on his head in June 2017, it took three weeks and dozens of rescuers to catch him. During the lengthy, hot, and humid search, one rescuer was even bitten by a copperhead snake.
3. Dogs Saved From Overcrowded Shelters
In February of 2018, animal rescue organizations collaborated in a major effort to rescue over 100 dogs from shelters in Oklahoma. The state is known for its lack of shelters and overpopulation of strays, often tragically leading to euthanasia as a way to deal with the overcrowding.
2. Uber for Birds
One Saturday night in late June, Uber driver Christy Guynn was summoned to a residence in Ogden, Utah. Upon arriving, she noticed a group of men with beers in their hands and prepared to tell them they couldn’t bring their drinks in the car.
In late 2018, disturbing images of around 100 orcas and beluga whales in cramped enclosures were leaked online. The animals were being held illegally off Russia’s Pacific coast in tiny pens dubbed the “whale jail.”
Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!
Now if the Thousands of Human Babies Torn Limb from Limb Every Day inside & outside the Womb Could be Rescued !
coolest narrative voicing ever Katrina
Nice video ?
Why can't international news media broadcast these events for more public awareness? A good video.
once my friend saved a blue tongue lizard from a monitor lizard so basically what happened was he was at some reptile sanctuary not gonna name it but he was following a monitor lizard to see where it would go and it started hissing and attacking something under the wooden bridge thing and he bent down and saw it was a blue tongue lizard and he got the monitor lizard away and got some staff over to help get the stuck lizard out of the bridge he said the next time he visited that place the blue tongue was kept in a cage thing and the monitor lizard was kept in another one he said that they weren't allowed to go out from that incident
OK the bear "flossing" got me….
I like this but I feel like people care more about animals then they do about other humans.
The narrator's voice is so cute.
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GOD bless this people???❤
USA the best country for loving❤ animals & donate.
The other ? is cruel butchers?No compassion or any love❤ for animals only those have VET like Victor VET Spain's & Takis paradise Greeks & He'Art VET ….
Me and my mom picked up Sarah a Beagle and when I wasn’t even born my mom and dad picked up Lady The great pyrenees
3 baby squirrels!? my friend rescued yesterday their mother had been killed by a car and they had fallen from their nest while trying to find her.
Aye @ 0.37 she says the cats gone missing then shows you meat ? getting chopped up ?
Am I the only one that was waiting to see a dancing bear?
you got a little something for you everybody don't you
My parnets saved two stray puppys like in this story
Katrina more like hurrica……
Disclaimers: this was a joke no hate to this channel and I do feel bad for these animals
Story like this are very incredible It can show that man can do loot of good things! ?
Hi Katrina! 🙂
It would be great if humans could hold themselves together like this for other things too.
but hey at least they saved some animals… 🙂
These types of stories are not worthy to be here
Sort of shows that people will do anything for the animals
Im early
so sad but with a good ending. thanks katrina
Hope For Paws do amazing animal rescues, as does Trio Animal Foundation!
Did anyone else aside from me think of supernatural when she said Crowley???
No just me? Ok
When I hear about things like this my first thought is. Who did it? They must FEEL what it's like.
i want to adopt cheeto good video
Whit storys like this my faith in the mankind is restored 🙂
Amazing video
Dogs getting their heads stuck in things is so sad and dangerous. My poor sister's dog died because of an accident like that. We were all outside all day building a fence for the yard so the dog would have a place to run. When we finally finished we had lunch and went inside to cool off. In the 30 minutes we were inside, her dog got into a lays chip bag that was left on the picnic table and suffocated. We were all fucking heartbroken. Keep bags and containers away from your animals ya'll. It only took a very short time and the sweet dog was gone. Poor Daisy.
I love kind people?❤?
Number 0 Peta saves a animal
This video reminded me of what my mother and my step father did just this last Monday. They were in the parking lot of Lowe's Hardware Store. Because they need to get something from there. An old guy park right next to them and my mother and my step father heard this little cat meowing. And my mother ask this guy who was hard of hearing. If he had a cat in his car. And he said no but they kept hearing this cat. And realized it was coming from inside the hood of his car. And there was a 4 week old mostly black female kitten on the engine of his car. And that poor kitten was on the brink of death. Because the engine of the car was hot. So my mother and my step father forgot about what they needed at Lowell. Since what they needed to get wasn't that important. And took that little kitten home with them. They really had no choice since that old guy didn't care about the kitten. Nor did any one else. So now that kitten is ours to keep. And she is doing very well. Especially since both my mother and my step father are big time cat lovers. We now have 3 female cats instead of just 2. But my mother still feels very bad about the kitten not being with her real mother. But there was nothing that they could do. Since the old guy said he live next to a farm. But they didn't know where he would have come from.
And I am glad that all of these animals were rescue.
Nice video to watch
Story’s like these are eye opening
I’m glad these ones have happy endings ?