Dobermans are Aggressive #shorts

Dobermans are Aggressive #shorts
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Dobermans aren’t aggressive at all, they might look like that when they are on guarding duty and have found a real threat to you or your property. Besides this, they might have sometimes tough behaviors if they been abused in the past or are anxious. But portraying them as aggressive is a big misconception.


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About the Author: ViralBe


  1. Wow, where the hell, did someone say that…..this, mark my words, is one of the best friends, your ever going to have, always… me I know….❤❤❤❤

  2. few years ago i hear their brain grows bigger than the skull capacity and they can suddenly become aggressive. But i dont know if this is true or false.

  3. With my experience, you will fall in love very fast with this dog. They are super smart. And loving. It's like having another baby in your house. And then your kid

  4. I have an old schoolmate friend who has dobies and I don’t believe for a second that she’d ever have any type of aggressive behavioral dog particularly her children or grandchildren. They’re beautiful dogs in the pictures she posts on FB.

  5. The only way that dobermans will become aggressive is because people make them that way. The same thing goes for all dogs and other animals, because it is the people think that unless a dog isn't aggressive that it isn't worth having as a guard dog. People ruin everything that is good.

  6. I had a dobbie his entire life, just over 12 years. He was the sweetest, best dog ever. He was very large and powerful, I could go anywhere with him, and no one ever bothered me. He was my big lovable lap dog. I still miss him so much.

  7. I knew a guy with two very cuddly dobermans. I was always too afraid to approach, but I always saw them nuzzling around for pets or belly rubs

  8. Doberman Pinschers, are so Gorgeous, and the DobePins, in this [video], look really SCARY, especially, the last dog that is blowing "steam," out of his mouth.🫣👀❤️😎🏋‍♂️ LOVE, LOVE, Doberman Pinschers…..hands down!!!!!🥰☝️💪👏👍

  9. My big Euro Dobi was like having 2 dogs. The most affectionate, clingy, gentle boy you could imagine. But any time he sensed a threat he could become a dog I didn’t recognize by comparison. He did not fuck about in the slightest when it came to his circle of trust and protecting it.

  10. Some can be aggressive but if a person is invested in the animal then he'll take the time to train it properly. There awesome guard dogs and are very territorial when it comes to it's domain. The next dog that I get will be a set of Doberman's, 1 girl and 1 boy so that I can breed them, and do it properly. I 🫶🏾 a doberman pincher.

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