![He was Hunting for Women: The Murder of Laken Riley [True Crime Documentary]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/He-was-Hunting-for-Women-The-Murder-of-Laken-Riley-818x490.jpg)
True Crime Documentary
A 22 year-old nursing student, Laken Riley, on her regular morning jog near to her university campus, disappeared after crossing paths with an unknown, suspicious, hooded figure. Thankfully, law enforcement caught some more than one lucky break in the case early, leading them directly to the killer. Though as the story unfolded and more details came to light, outrage only grew over this entirely preventable and horrific crime.
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Theme music by Audio Hertz, Luck Witch via YouTube music, lyrics by Frank Mizzy (YouTube The2ndStory)
#truecrimecommunity #murdermystery #truecrimedocumentary #crimedocumentary #lakenriley #joseibarra
This story is just further proof that we live in the bad place.
A bunch of Venezuelans are pulling guns on residents of apartments and driving them out. Something needs to be done about these illegal hispanics.
There is no soul in that animal
hi There…Im Jimmy
Dear ladies. Run with protection IN HAND. Until the world gets better – be prepared to maim .
Just tragic 😔
20:00 working at Wendy's not in the harvest field.
Conceal carry who cares what city laws are trash criminals don’t care
Why’d we let all these people come here we have our own problems.
Asylum should only be given to women and children .
Other countries don’t f*ck around. Ask that kid in Singapore that got caned or that one dude that visited North Korea.
DemoNcrats got him here and should be accountable for this murder.
One of my favourite channels, thanks Kevin ❤
Lying Biden, who pardoned corrupt Hunter!
Another person who shouldn't even be in the country!
Voice mail sounded like someone whispering “ help me”
Such a saad and realistic story 😢😮
Oh dont put yourself in dangerous situations alone….even as as a survivors I wouldnt go into the secluded woods.
Runner deaths can easily be avoided, or higher chance of being avoided. One, if you are in college, use the gym not the trails by the campus. If you want to use the trails, never go alone. Two, don't wear hairstyles that are easily grabbed like ponytails, which is common for any women's self defense and make you a target (yes, there are surveys from criminals on types of people they would target). Three, stop dressing like a woman and/or easy to remove athleisure. A lot of times people are looking for women targets with easy to remove clothes. You're a walking target. They have unisex clothes that are bulky in look. Wear your hood up, even a face mask, wear men's clothes, men's shoes, and learn to carry yourself like a man. You'll be underestimated easily. I'm a woman whose been SA's several times, each in different scenarios, and I've spent many years learning from true crime. I can't tell you how many times I've walked alone, following this formula, that I've had people in public mistake me for a man until they hear my voice and are surprised to find I'm a woman. It gives me relief when it comes to safety. I always follow the formula when I walk alone and it's kept me safe. And in public, I dress in hard to access layered clothing and standout accessories if I dress like a woman, deterring myself from being a target. I've been safe for a decade now. You have to stop thinking safe spaces are safe, that people will help, that smart watches/trackers are enough, that pepper spray is enough, and stop the feminist mindset of "I can dress how I want, it's their fault for sexualizing me". That mindset only highlights the attackers fault, but also shows you do not take responsibility for your own safety. It's not enough in these modern times. You have to educate yourselves and be more responsible. This isn't to blame the victim. This is to help women avoid being the next target for attackers, to help educate on safety and bring awareness so we can do our part in preventing things like this from happening that CAN be avoided more easily. It's not about living in fear, it's about protecting yourself and staying aware, reducing your risks of being a target. It's tragic we have to hear more and more about lives lost, but we really can do our part to build up on basic safety measures. We have to.
Waste of taxpayer money on the trial, but typical for this clown administration. The blood is on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ hands. Trump can’t take office soon enough.
A republican politician’s wet dream
Bring back old sparky. 😊
Joe Biden couldn’t even get her name right.
Damn, women can’t even go for a friggin run, minding our own business, without getting murdered 😢
Props for doing such a controversial case!
Thank you Kevin for these stories 👍
Thankfully I'll never ever understand what makes a person do this kind of thing to another person? Also how could it possibly be enjoyable? Regardless, what justifies it too the attacker?
Totally monstrous
They come to our countries illegally and then we just allow it and then this stuff happens it's actually disgusting do you enter a country borders illegally should be deported especially if you've committed another crime after the first one of entering illegally….. we're becoming too friendly their countries would not allow this but! He belongs in ADX Florence!
Dangerous Illegal immigrants?? You can thank Biden-Harris government for that.
I wonder if a psychologist has researched the value of victim impact statements. In most cases the perpetrator does not show any emotion, worse in some cases they smile smugly whilst relatives and friends sob through their statements. Although i understand that the statements give people the opportunity to tell both the offender and the court how the crime has affected them would they be as keen to make their statements if they thought that the statements will have zero effect on or, worse, give pleasure to the offender. Once an offender has been sentenced for a long time the tears, obvious pain, entreaties for reasons made by the loved ones probably become additions to the vile arsenal of memories offenders can replay in their minds and boast about to fellow inmates.
He was waiting for a girl with headphones in! Scary guy!
You have the absolute best presentations. Keep up the great content
Every Biden voting, pro border jumper Dem is responsible for this
I haven't lost anyone like this father has. I surmise if her death hadn't been publicized, Trump might not have won and maybe more deaths would have occurred. 😢
I've watched many crime shows, and I believe no one should run with ear buds on. It is imperative to be focused on your surroundings. Thank you for this video since I had never heard how she was killed.
I don’t think you can be more stupid. Literally posting photos of himself in the outfit that the killer was seen in.
Biden/Kamala obviously responsible for this senseless death. Then this clown releases the merchant of death for a druggie basketball player. Then he pardons his criminal son. Good job to the idyuts who voted for this clown.
Whats crazy is that if they were treated like true Americans, they wouldn't have been released after being arrested.
Props to the law enforcement here. They got boots on the ground immediately. In many cases that could have saved the victim. It didn’t this time but they deserve so much credit. We’ve all seen so many cases where they do nothing for 48 hours and just say “oh she probably just needed to get away for a while.”
Rest in Peace Laken. Another victim of the failed Biden administrations border policy. Thank god it’s ending soon. May Laken and all the victims of these illegal aliens get justice.
Trump please make America great again🙏
Yep illegal immigrants committing crimes imagine that! Thanks BIDEN
#luismiguel proudly sings Mexican music 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🎤🎤🎤
I dont see the point in keeping him alive for the rest of his life, he should be put to death, what is the point of life in prison without parole? I dont understand. I say this because of the crime he committed, not because of his nationality.
Cool as a cucumber….thats creepy as hell. He’s obviously committed this type of crime before.
Dangerous for him to go home? Kidding me right.
England here. Well done for covering a case that shouldn't be controversial or totemic, but sadly is. We have the same here. See Alice Gross, Libby Squire, Sabina Nessa, Lorraine Cox….the list is too long. The people who allow these people in are to blame.