8 Epic Stories from the Axis Side

8 Epic Stories from the Axis Side
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Watch with us this compilation of our curated selection of our earlier videos. During the Premiere and afterwards on the Discord

00:00 Intro
00:20 Farmer who became the world’s deadliest sniper
08:18 Luftwaffe Ace General
18:07 Samurai in a Zero
29:24 When a BF-109 spared a B-17, the reboot
38:42 Erich Hartmann the world’s greatest flying ace
45:36 Rampaging Tiger
55:49 Sonderkommando Elbe
01:01:11 The End of the Largest Battleship in the World

Yarnhub uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. “Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2023, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.”


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About the Author: Yarnhub


  1. I just realized how incredibly hard it would be to be the gunner in the back of the plane shooting and having to shoot around your own vertical stabilizer and rudder!!!!!

  2. 旧日本陸海軍の零戦乗りにはアメリカやイギリスの戦闘機乗りに退けをとらないぐらいの有名な零戦乗りが50人居ましたが1943年ぐらいに神風突撃命令 をされて殆どの優秀な零戦乗りが戦死しました!!

  3. メッサーシュミットは後部水平尾翼の下に尾翼支柱が有りますがこれは初期のE型のみで後のF型以降から水平尾翼支柱を廃止しましたm(__)m




  4. シモヘイヘの怖いところはサブマシンガンの方が得意で非公式KILL数ならサブマシンガンの方が多かったとされてるところですね。

  5. 1 A MORTE DE DIMAS – O PROCESSO DE DESENCARNAÇÃO – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saWecab-7Tk&t=5s 2 Morri e Agora? Áudio Livro Espírita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajzzl9xgwyM&t=16 3 Semeando e Colhendo – Contos Reencarnacionistas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-djb8DSyL2k&t=1356s 4 Minha Vida na outra vida
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DtTi0KM76E 5 Dois goles para três https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5WMP25Fz0s
    6 A Reencarnação de Segismundo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QYVPG5d7bs 7 Sempre contigo senhor Jesus! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwfpqRp3xRU 8 Hora de desfazer os grilhões mentais de espiritos das trevas com a humanidade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpXcqqMDn0M 9 O Vôo da Esperança 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vqvrvck7ho 10 Agnus Dei ♪ Alleluia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Kl8_eLqXnQ 11 Agnus Dei ♪ Alleluia Jotta A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4LUcEcqbCw 12 ANUNNAKI FILME 2 – dublado em português https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE6YtOxs1JU

  6. Why is belief in the resurrection reasonable?

    The Bible provides detailed accounts of nine resurrections, each confirmed by eyewitnesses. (1 Kings 17:17-​24; 2 Kings 4:​32-​37; 13:20, 21; Luke 7:​11-​17; 8:​40-​56; John 11:38-​44; Acts 9:​36-​42; Acts 20:​7-​12; 1 Corinthians 15:​3-6) Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus is especially noteworthy, since Lazarus had been dead for four days and Jesus performed the miracle before a crowd of people. (John 11:39, 42) Even those who opposed Jesus could not deny the facts of the matter, so instead they plotted to kill both Jesus and Lazarus.​—John 11:47, 53; 12:​9-​11.

  7. When will the resurrection take place?

    The Bible foretold that the resurrection to heaven would take place during Christ’s presence, which began in 1914. (1 Corinthians 15:21-​23) The resurrection to life on earth will occur during the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, when the earth will be transformed into a paradise.​—Luke 23:43; Revelation 20:​6, 12, 13.

  8. Who will be resurrected?

    The Bible says that “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) The righteous include faithful people, such as Noah, Sarah, and Abraham. (Genesis 6:9; Hebrews 11:11; James 2:​21) The unrighteous include those who failed to meet God’s standards but did not have the opportunity to learn and follow them.

  9. si vas a contar hechos históricos con dibujos trata de que los personajes y objetos sean los más parecidos a esa realidad , deje de ver tu video a los 5 minutos después de ver que : el arma, los trofeos, la casa de Simo Häyhä no se parecen a nada de esa realidad, ya tenemos a Hollywood para fanfarronear, para exagerar , mentir manipulando la historia como la vienen haciendo eso producidores de apellidos inventados.

  10. This channel tells the good side of the Nazis when they fought Russia, but they forgot that the death of Russian soldiers was a joint struggle against fascism and Nazis, we were born because of the results of past history

  11. "Sherman firefly acecha en la esquina. Abre fuego y golpea la armadura del tiger. De alguna manera no logra penetrar el blindaje" no es como obvio que no lo va a penetrar no?. El tiger volaba como cafetera a los sherman

  12. Amigo estrategia TV ,excelente análisis , pero era de esperar de Milei y cía , todo lo hace para el circo y no confundir esto con crítica de izquierda y todas esas sandeces que se acostumbran , los P3 Orión demoro el pago y les dio tiempo a que desmantelaron equipos críticos que la gestión anterior había pedido mantener , no solo pago tarde demoro para tener un P3 con menos equipos y con estos F16 pasaría lo mismo son para desfile

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